Why the Sonic Boom Patch is Huge

By David Lovato 21.01.2015 2

Why the Sonic Boom Patch is Huge on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega recently rolled out an update to Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric for Wii U, and many fans were shocked to learn the update was over 1 GB in size.

Dedicated fans have dug into the game's files to learn exactly why, and in the process have unearthed what the patch contained.

It seems the patch adjusted the lighting in a certain cutscene and fixed a few menu diagrams. The real meat and potatoes of the update, however, comes via adjustments to several of the game's levels, all of which required the entire level to be included in the update, regardless of how small the actual changes were. This quickly added up to over a gigabyte in the update's file size.

Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric was met with poor reviews upon release. It seems the update system in place is inefficient, but hopefully updates can still make the game more enjoyable.

Box art for Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric





3D Platformer



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They can't even get the updates right! I don't get how I still get excited by Sonic games when they practically lead to dissappointment most of the time!

Patching a whole level isnt so weird I think for this sort of thing, depending how the mesh is set up it might be quite hard to fix "just a little bit"

Anyway....completely offtopic...but Wow@Microsoft

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