Aonuma Plays Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D in Playthrough Video

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.01.2015 2

Aonuma Plays Zelda: Majora

Nintendo's bearded uncle Eiji Aonuma recently walked through a portion of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D, with a translation now available.

In a video sequence, Aonuma showcases elements of the game's design, including a look at how the central hub - Clock Town - has evolved. There's also a glimpse at the menu screens, the Bomber's Notebook, plus a secret to saving money through time travel. Cha-ching indeed!


What do you think of the 3DS version so far?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask





Action Adventure



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Wow. Thats like my favorite game of all time, and I never knew about that chest. My life is a lie

Our member of the week

From the look of things, it seems like the notebook will now keep track of a lot of events, such as visiting the couple of lover's mini-game all 3 days in a row, etc, to help you keep track of the important things to do to find all heart pieces, etc... Perhaps even keeping track of all the events you can witness by being in a certain place at a certain time. Years down the line, I still discovered stuff happening in certain places at certain times, so if it indeed works like I think it does, it will be good to be able to keep track of things I have already witnessed or not, and also find out if there's more stuff that I have never seen and which the game has to offer. That would be sweet Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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