Cubed3 AwardsGames from May 2003 to May 2004, you have voted, now find out the results... Article by James Temperton < tempo88 :: Sub Editor :: Head of PR :: Slave > Ladies and Gentlemen...Here we are then. A phenomenal number of people have voted and we have been locked away in a cold dark room counting the votes for hours on end now. After much counting, recounting and enough cussing to compete with Gordon Ramsey, we come to the results. So join us as we reveal the results of the second annual Cubed3 Awards!Best Platformer 1st: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (50%)2nd: Beyond Good and Evil (20%)3rd: Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (18%) Prince of Persia wins by a country mile, with fellow Ubi Soft title Beyond Good and Evil come in second. SEGA's egg-cellent Billy Hatcher hit in with a bronze. Not the tightest of categories, but well done to the winning title!Best Action/Shooter 1st: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (60%)2nd: XIII (22%)3rd: Metal Arms: Glitch in the System (13%) A massive win for Silicon Knights' superb GameCube update, The Twin Snakes is without doubt one of the best games on the GameCube, and worthy of its win. Below that is another Ubi Soft title and following in with a bronze is the hugely underrated Metal Arms..clearly not so in your eyes...Best Sports 1st: 1080: Avalanche (48%)2nd: SSX3 (33%)3rd: FIFA 2004 (6%) Nintendo's excellent 1080 wins big in this category, with fellow 'boarding title SSX3. The EA couple is complete with the much-hated...but apparently not FIFA 2004.Best Racing 1st: F Zero GX (44%) 2nd: Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (39%) 3rd: Burnout 2: Point of Impact (14%) Nintendo dominate with both gold and silver as their two top racers swamp the category. Crashing into the bronze position is the sublime Burnout 2, crash-tastic indeed...Best Multiplayer 1st: Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (69%)2nd: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (16%)3rd: Worms 3D (9%) Whilst many didn't like Double Dash's single player, there was no denying its multiplayer mastery, earning it a Cubed3 Gold Award. Second place goes to Square-Enix's sublime Crystal Chronicles, with third perhaps a surprise entry for Worms 3D.Best Adventure 1st: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (78%)2nd: Viewtiful Joe (10%)3rd: Skies of Arcadia: Legends (8%) Well you all seem to like your Zelda, as Wind Waker storms into Gold with nearly 80% of the vote! Capcom's Viewtiful Joe and the awesome epic Skies of Arcadia finish off the winners.Best Third Party 1st: Viewtiful Joe (56%)2nd: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (22%)3rd: Beyond Good and Evil (13%) You clearly all love Capcom as much as we do! The innovative and oh-so lovely looking Viewtiful Joe comes in first, with the Ubi Soft duo of Prince of Persia and BG&E claiming silver and bronze respectively.Best First Party 1st: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (74%)2nd: Mario Kart: Double Dash (12%)3rd: F Zero GX (9%) Wind Waker once again wins by a massive distance to earn the accolade of Cubed3 First Party title of the Year! Mario Kart speeds off with silver and fellow racer F Zero GX nips in with the bronze.Best Sound 1st: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (57%) 2nd: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (22%)3rd: Soul Calibur II (16%) A trend is starting to appear, and you just can't get enough of loving Link in his cel-shaded world; we cannot blame you really. Another gold for Wind Waker, followed up by the excellent sound of Metal Gear Solid receiving silver with beat-'em'up SCII winning bronze.Best Graphics 1st: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (44%)2nd: F Zero GX (29%)3rd: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (15%) Many people complained that Wind Waker's cel-shaded visuals were 'rubbish' or 'crap!!!11!!', we however would call them magical, and now it would seem you all do too; Zelda wins the award for best graphics. Super-speed F Zero GX zips in for a silver with the gorgeous Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles winning bronze. Top stuff!Game of the Year[/b] So we come to the really big award. Loads of you voted and there were some pretty strange choices. Metroid Prime wasn't even out in the past year...but never mind. We also had The GameCube is sh*t and doesn't have any good games, so thanks for that one...Enough of the nonsense, time for the winner:There were so many games out for the GameCube in the period we gave you, a list of well over ten games could easily of won the prize of Cubed3 GOTY, but only one has. Developed and published by Nintendo, and one of the company's most famous franchises, controversy was sparked when a massive visual overhaul was first shown. But people came to except it, and to such a level that it has now won this award, and many others besides. Superb visuals, inspiring sound and magical gameplay all make The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, your GOTY with 41% of the vote! 1st: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (41%)The silver trophy for the Cubed3 GOTY goes to a title that has long been a PlayStation only property. It made the transition to Nintendo again via a collaboration between Japan and Canada, and a company that has since moved away from Nintendo Second Party development. Guessed yet? Yep, that