News Hound: This Week In GamingOne man and his dog, went to mow a meadow. The dog got bored, ran back home and became a journo...Recent Issues News Hound: Issue 49 News Hound: Issue 48 News Hound: Issue 47 News Hound: Issue 46 News Hound: Issue 45This Week: 30.05.04Another dull week has been and gone, and I have found myself drifting further and further away from gaming. I was chatting to someone from a UK based developer the other day about the British gaming scene, and some interesting points came up. For one, its moving forward at an alarming pace. Whilst the gaming news may be slow, the gaming industry (both here and abroad) is going full tilt to ensure we have a very Merry Christmas.Issue 50But what about the anseo? Well there hasn