New Etrian Mystery Dungeon Trailer, Releases in NA April 7th

By Chris Leebody 14.01.2015

New Etrian Mystery Dungeon Trailer, Releases in NA April 7th on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Atlus USA has revealed the staple of any solid Etrian party: Etrian Mystery Dungeon's Landsknecht, as well as handing out a much wanted, concrete release date of 7th April - in US stores and on the eShop download service.

The Landsknecht. A swordsman that has always been the meat and potatoes of the Etrian series, and it's no different for Etrian Mystery Dungeon. With a modest amount of defence and some hard hitting damage, early parties will lean heavily on the Landsknecht for staying alive. With a few skills, Landsknechts can focus down enemies with devastating melee hits or whittle away at rooms full of critters with AOE attacks.
See this character class in action in the new trailer below:

Etrian Mystery Dungeon is a roguelike RPG from Atlus and Spike Chunsoft that combines the character classes and skill trees of the Etrian Odyssey series with the roguelike nature and exploration of the Mystery Dungeon series in a tense, near-infinite dungeon exploring/looting adventure for the Nintendo 3DS. Available beginning on 7th April, pre-orders and a limited first-run printing of the game will include a bonus soundtrack CD.

For anyone that missed the Twitch Livestream from December that touches on the basics of the game, be sure to watch it below:


Additionally, today's Nintendo Direct introduced a new trailer for Etrian Mystery Dungeon. Take a look below, along with some new screenshots from the intriguing title:

Image for New Etrian Mystery Dungeon Trailer, Releases in NA April 7th
Image for New Etrian Mystery Dungeon Trailer, Releases in NA April 7th
Image for New Etrian Mystery Dungeon Trailer, Releases in NA April 7th
Image for New Etrian Mystery Dungeon Trailer, Releases in NA April 7th
Image for New Etrian Mystery Dungeon Trailer, Releases in NA April 7th
Box art for Etrian Mystery Dungeon



NIS America


Real Time RPG



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