Vexx screens

By James Temperton 21.02.2003 1

Since it was announced way back in spring last year we have seen very little of Vexx, a title orginally set for a release around the time of Mario Sunshine, however the game simply wasn't good enough for release and it was sent back into development for a few months and now we have the results of all that extra blood and tears.....


So what can we see? A PS2 title thats what. It is blatent that the developer knows where the money is and that is on the PlayStation, and so the game is made to fit for that platform. However, this is not your run of the mill port. Like Tony Hawk and SSX there is a decent game here and one that many will enjoy. Whilst it may not have the visual flare of some platform exclusive titles Vexx does its best to look good.

The worlds are huge and allow you to explore them in great detail. It may not be a great looking game but whats there is decent and well made. The gameplay is very recognisable but there are some nice little tricks thrown in. A prime example is the gloves or clwas, this weapon can be used in a variety of ways adding to the depth and fell of this title.


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