Tri-Strip Slotting onto Wii U eShop

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.01.2015

Tri-Strip Slotting onto Wii U eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Form Up Studios and Sc0tt Games will be bringing retro-inspired puzzler Tri-Strip to the Wii U eShop soon.

Announced this week, the game is described as a "retro-themed, single player puzzle game" where players arrange these rows of triangular shaped tiles into quads to progress. The game boasts a distinct Game Boy palette, in nifty 80s green, with support for both the Wii U GamePad for off-TV play, or the pixel experience on the big screen instead.

Tri-Strip will also include a variety of challenge modes and time-based events for those who master the concept.


What do you think of the Tri-Strip concept?

Box art for Tri-Strip

Form Up


Form Up





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