Yuji Hori Teases Dragon Quest 30th Birthday Celebrations

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2015 3

Yuji Hori Teases Dragon Quest 30th Birthday Celebrations on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Creator of popular RPG Dragon Quest, Yuji Horii, has teased plans for the series' anniversary next year.

With the franchise turning 30 next year, the studio has plans to truly celebrate, with "many projects in planning," teased Horii. Square Enix recently announced Theatrhythm Dragon Quest, plus are planning to launch Dragon Quest X (Version 3.0) in the spring.

Together alongside our fans and development staff, I hope we keep making the series even bigger and better! Life is a role-playing game. Here's to many more years to come of Dragon Quest!

How would you like to see Square Enix celebrate the Dragon Quest franchise?

Box art for Theatrhythm Dragon Quest



Square Enix





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Kimberley (guest) 08.01.2015#1

By releasing the games in Europe

They better release DQX3.0 outside of Japan... That is the MMORPG of my dreams... ;__;

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

BRING DRAGON QUEST XI TO WII U!  It can be multiplat, yes, but WiiU has to get it.

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