Theatrhythm Ventures into the World of Dragon Quest

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.12.2014 7

Theatrhythm Ventures into the World of Dragon Quest on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The curtains haven't yet closed for the Theatrhythm series, with Square Enix revealing a Dragon Quest version.

With the team conjuring up the definitive experience in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call, it seemed the right moment to move onto another one of the studio's popular franchises.

Theatrhythm Dragon Quest, confirmed for a 26th March release, will bring together the same musical action to Nintendo 3DS, covering a wide range of themes and jingles from the equally popular RPG series. Those who attend Jump Festa this month will be able to sample the first demo, and have a gander at the debut Theatrhythm Dragon Quest trailer.

What songs from the Dragon Quest series are you hoping to see included?

Box art for Theatrhythm Dragon Quest



Square Enix





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I knew it!!! When they said "Oh no, this is the end" I had an inkling it was only the end of the FF versions. Here's hoping the DQ versions perform better and encourage a Mana or Chrono version further down the line Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Aye, they only ever said TFFCC would be the last FF version of the series. DQ is the next best franchise they could do. I don't know whether any other series have enough tracks or popularity today to make them worthwhile. They could end up doing Mana/Chrono/KH DLC for TDQ, or perhaps for both TFFCC and TDQ.

If the make one for Chrono, I'm getting it day one. Chrono Trigger has one of my favourite soundtracks of all-time.

covering a wide range of themes and jingles from the equally popular RPG series.
I think Square-Enix itself would disagree with that, if its release schedule in the West is any indication. Smilie Shame, really, because that's the main reason that's keeping me from really getting into Dragon Quest. It's a lot nicer when you know a franchise you're invested in has a future outside of Japan, like the Tales of series has now.

Probably won't be getting this even if it gets localised simply because I've only played DQIX and I don't want have the music of the series spoiled if I ever play the others.

I'd bite at a Kingdom Hearts Theatrhythm.

Marzy said:
If the make one for Chrono, I'm getting it day one. Chrono Trigger has one of my favourite soundtracks of all-time.

It'd be one of the rare games I'd actually pre-order!

YES Please, Square Enix, are you listening?
In the rain, Robo is glistening. A beautiful sight, there's battles tonight, walking in AD 600.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yes i agree.....Also Chrono trigger ,Chrono Cross,  Final Fantasy tactics (if it was not done) plus Saga everything , Breath of fire. Plus too top it off the Super Mario RPG sound track.....   

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