Console Gaming in Japan at Lowest Point in 24 Years

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.01.2015 5

Console Gaming in Japan at Lowest Point in 24 Years on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japan's hardware and software sales are at its lowest point in 24 years, after a mild 2014.

Famitsu posted figures for last year, which highlight a decline in traditional home and portable console (physical) sales over the last few years. Since 1990 sales have been on the up, dipping during the early noughties and peaking in 2006 and 2007 with the rise of Nintendo Wii and DS.

Famitsu - Top 10 Games 2014

  • 01. (3DS) Yo-kai Watch 2: Ganso / Honke - 3,050,178
  • 02. (3DS) Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire - 2,464,850
  • 03. (3DS) Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - 2,381,177
  • 04. (3DS) Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS - 2,066,022
  • 05. (3DS) Yo-kai Watch 2: Shin Uchi - 2,007,327
  • 06. (3DS) Yo-kai Watch - 994,346 / 1,280,799
  • 07. (WIU) Mario Kart 8 - 842,053
  • 08. (3DS) Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru to Ruka no Fushigi na Fushigi na Kagi - 748,139
  • 09. (3DS) Kirby Triple Deluxe - 687,957
  • 10. (WIU) Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - 478,366

Famitsu - Hardware 2014 / Lifetime

  • 3DS - 3,153,045 / 17,847,056
  • PSV - 1,147,936 / 3,423,075
  • PS4 - 925,570
  • Wii U - 604,856 / 2,123,283
  • PS3 - 450,034 / 10,018,534
  • Xbox One - 45,958
Image for Console Gaming in Japan at Lowest Point in 24 Years

Do you think it's worrying times ahead for traditional console gaming?

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Are those Famitsu's top 10 Nintendo games or top 10 games across all platforms?

Flynnie said:
Are those Famitsu's top 10 Nintendo games or top 10 games across all platforms?
All platforms.

I blame mobiles.

I think it's to do with growing up, too. People ain't got as much time for games once they get a job. Most people who grew up with games from 90's have hit the age where they are working. Ever since my brother started working he hardly plays videogames anymore - gets in from work all tired out and chills on the sofa usually watching TV or a film.

Hmm, peak hardware sales in 06-07 when last gen was new, but a low point now when this gen is new?
That looks rather worrying.

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