Will Other Nintendo Franchises get Maker Games?

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.01.2015 14

Will Other Nintendo Franchises get Maker Games? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Mario Maker proving popular with fans ahead of launch, could other Nintendo franchises get similar treatment?

The new Wii U project allows for pixel perfect Super Mario Bros. side-scrolling levels to be created, from platforms to enemies, pipes to power-up blocks. Tricky platforming or near impossible challenges can be created, and the team at Nintendo are keen to see what users devise once the game becomes available later this year.

In an interview with Nintendo of America's Bill Trinen, he was asked whether the Japanese game maker has plans to create other "Maker" games. He replied that there's "nothing to announce" at the moment, but depending on "how people react, we'll see if the teams take a similar approach with other franchises."

What other Nintendo franchises would you like to see in Maker form?

Box art for Super Mario Maker





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I am just presenting an opinion, but I think that a Pokemon maker would be a great idea, I think that the ability to create our own Pokemon would help fans to present their own ideas to Game Freak, who although they do produce some great Pokemon, I feel that at times, need to know what we -the players- want to see. Plus, I also believe that such an idea could also allow suggestions for new evolutions, and even types, that could be included in future generations.

@georg3 - Would be great for people to be able to tile out dungeons, so like a cave or tower, and then assign what wild Pokémon would be there, their movesets, as well as trainers wandering about. These dungeons could then be sent to other trainers to training. Would be pretty easy, imo, to do and something to make the main series of games less repetitive.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

@jb- Ah yes! That would be a great idea, the trainers, wild Pokemon and items included would allow a massive range of customisation. What's more, the environment (whether like Mt. Pyre or Chargestone Cave would allow players to explore different types of landscapes, not just the generic caves that we all forget about. Nice idea! I shall try think of some more ideas.

Metroid or Zelda Maker. In my Veins.

2D Metroid could work - one large map editor.
FZero - just bundle a track editor with the next game already!

But on the whole nothing else could be as simple/accessible as a mario editor.

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

@Darkflame- or if something is as accessible, it would just be too similar to other games. A Mario Kart editor could work, yet you have already suggested an FZero maker. All in all, I think the only gamed that would benefit would be the more popular, widely know franchises, such as Pokemon, Zelda, and yes, Metroid and Zelda, despite the fact such titles would not work as well as a Mario version.

Mario Party of course! The potential is endless... o.O Making own mini games like in Wario Ware DiY with greater tools would be wonderful and creating own tables with specific rules would be a bliss. And then forcing my friends to play my Super Kawaii, Adorable and Hyper Sadistic Mario Party table where everything and nothing can happen... Smilie Tears and rage is guaranteed... Ohhh, that would be a dream game of mine :'D 

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

What I want: All of those.
What I think will work well: F-Zero and Star Fox.

I see it most happening with Kirby, Zelda or F zero.

Zeldas a very very complex game though.
A proper zelda game though is tricky as almost everything in it is unique, unique puzzles, unique overworld, unique boss designs.....might be hard to any of that in an user friendly editor.

You could do something with tile based puzzles using premade components - probably end up with more a game like Chips Challenge with a zelda tileset though. (not that theres anything wrong with that, mind)

Compared to a game like Mario where your (metaphorical) just looping the same gameplay over different tilesets or MarioKart/FZero (where your literally looping over what could be a tileset), its tricky.

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

@Darkflame- You are right, the Zelda games are renown for being intricately detailed, not something for a user friendly game maker. I also think that Metroid would also be hard to replicate for this very reason, the unique setting and designs are complex.

. Still, would anybody be kind enough to make my day, by offering a Jirachi? I offer Lv.40+ shiny Pokemon (Altaria and Huntail fir example). I also need Mew, Shaymin, Manaphy, Victini, Keldeo and Meloetta, please help.

georg3 said:
Still, would anybody be kind enough to make my day, by offering a Jirachi? I offer Lv.40+ shiny Pokemon (Altaria and Huntail fir example). I also need Mew, Shaymin, Manaphy, Victini, Keldeo and Meloetta, please help.

I wish I could Smilie Is this you making your pokemon collection complete? If so it's impressive how few you have left to catch.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

@Sandy, thank you so much. I have only 9 left to go. Will a Lv 49 shiny Altaria suffice? Pm me if you want to trade later. Thanks for your most generous offer. I have several shiny Pokemon that I hope to give out for the event Pokemon.

The beauty of Mario maker is it's simplicity, as mentioned the level design in Metroid is really anything but, unless you just made it as a start to finish game without backtracking and intelligent level design. 

However if they could roll out a track editor for Mario Kart or Fzero I'd be happy. I mean you could already create tracks in the N64 and GBA versions and create your own vehicle in the GC version. Just mush them all together and you got a game!

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