Sakurai on Cut Super Smash Bros. 4 Characters, Bowser Jr. and Greninja

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.12.2014 5

Sakurai on Cut Super Smash Bros. 4 Characters, Bowser Jr. and Greninja on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Speaking to Nintendo Dream magazine, Super Smash Bros. producer Masahiro Sakurai talked about the game's character roster.

Sakurai started off by describing now newcomer Greninja was included in the games, simply based on several illustrations that he'd had received, prior to his name being decided.

By May 2012, all characters were decided and as production ramped up, the team "cut out low priority characters," which, unfortunately, Sakurai won't disclose. One of the newcomers, Bowser Jr., was almost cut, however. Sakurai admitted that the team had "discussions on giving up on something many many times", but the staff persisted and he made the roster.

There were event aspects to characters that Sakurai hadn't thought about, though, for example "Sheik's movement is completely different to Brawl, someone made a proposal to me for those motions," he said.

What characters do you think were cut from the game?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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WHyy Sakuraii!! He finds that 3 Kid Icarus Characters is "High Priority" yet cutting the Ice Climbers was necessary. And don't give me the "It won't run on 3ds" because the wii u can handle it. I think Sakurai is just plain making up excuses on the fly now a days and doing whatever he wants to be honest. 

I'm not asking for him to be drastic and add back in Snake or bring in Master Chief! I just want my main character from Melee and Brawl back! Can't wait for the hack on this game to go live.

Hopefully we'll see, one day:
- Dixie Kong (Tails as clone?)
- Lucas
- Isaac
- Llyod Irving
- Ice Climbers
- Bayoneta

- New Ganondorf (or they can just call him Ganon) - who'll use swords instead.
- Krystal from Star Fox Adventures
- Shadow (Sonic clone)
- Eggman (Bowser JR clone)

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Hopefully we'll see, one day:
- Dixie Kong (Tails as clone?)
- Lucas
- Isaac
- Llyod Irving
- Ice Climbers
- Bayoneta

- New Ganondorf (or they can just call him Ganon) - who'll use swords instead.
- Krystal from Star Fox Adventures
- Shadow (Sonic clone)
- Eggman (Bowser JR clone)

I am lovin some of those ideas.
The Eggman one is genius and perfect, and yes to Lloyd. 
I never played bayonetta before but they managed to work Snake in so it should be fine.

I just don't get why Nintendo can't add any character that was on a Nintendo console once. 
I'd like to see some new characters as well to be honest.
- Sora (Kingdom hearts)
- Rayman
- Yu Narukami (Persona 4)
- Phoenix Wright
- Professor Layton
- Ryu 

Now some may say these are "Over the top" but at least I didn't say "Master Chief" or "Ezio Auditore"
at least these games have all had games on a Nintendo Console before. They brought in Snake! Why not these guys! Oh and Battalion wars, that game was great.

( Edited 01.01.2015 01:32 by Viendra )

I reckon they wanted Banjo in there and even created the character and Rareware declined so they made it into Duck Hunt Duo instead.

I am a little sad they cut Wolf and didn't include Krystal, she would really be different as she would fight with a staff. A cross between Palutena and Kilik (Soul Calibur) 

also, what's with the Rayman trophy tease...I am expecting him to be DLC but all has gone quiet...

I still would like to see Professor Layton, Pheonix Wright, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong, Goron (from LOZ series) , Bayonetta, Baby Mario, Waluigi, Viewtiful Joe, Birdo, Toad, 1980's retro Donkey Kong costume. Maybe a character or two from Sin & Punishment as well.

However I would really like a Story mode in the next one. I loved the cutscenes and mash up in Brawl from Subspace emissary I just didn't like the levels, but the concept and 'story' was at least something

( Edited 01.01.2015 05:17 by Flynnie )

I'm still losing sleep over Lucas not being in it. I tried using Ness but it's just not the same. My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Lucas.

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