Check Out Nintendo of Japan's New Wii U Campaign

By Lex Firth 28.12.2014 3

Check Out Nintendo of Japan

Nintendo of Japan have launched a new ad campaign for the Wii U.

The four-minute ad shows a young boy traveling home with his newly-bought Wii U, only to be abducted by a small pink female alien named Adam and her two bodyguards. Together they set up the new console and show off features such as Mii creation and the WaraWara Plaza.

Sounds weird? It has to be seen to be believed.

What do you think of the new ad? Is it attention-grabbing enough to continue the console's reversal of fortunes? Would you like to see it head over here?

Check out more on Adam here.

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Adam is meant to be a penis, right? Because I'm struggling to see how someone could have drawn that and not intended to draw a penis.

How dare you call me a penis!! Smilie


Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Well, if the shoe fits Smilie

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