SEGA Turning Classic Franchises into Film, TV Shows

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.12.2014 2

SEGA Turning Classic Franchises into Film, TV Shows on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA will be working on turning classic franchises, including Golden Axe and Shinobi, into films and shows, the company has confirmed.

Stories International, a join venture between SEGA and ad agency Hakuhodo XD Group, will be heading up the project, which will include feature films, TV shows and digital/web runs. The group will be seeking to partner with "major studios, A-list producers and filmmakers to adapt these properties."

Classic franchises include Shinobi, Golden Axe, Altered Beast, Virtua Fighter and Crazy Taxi.

Which SEGA franchises do you think can make the jump from game to other media?

Box art for Golden Axe








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Haha a film on Crazy Taxi? Lol what the hell! 

I wonder if video game movies will be the next "superhero" movies. I feel like the games IP is still to niche and looked down upon. All my friends aren't ashamed to watch the new Batman, Spider-Man, ironman movies etc but even though they play video games they'd be too ashamed to go and see movies about the characters.

i just don't see these franchises having a broad mass market appeal! 

I think the real problem is there haven't been a lot of proper video game movies made. Resident Evil comes to mind, but that's about it.

We'll see how that Warcraft movie will do. If it's succesful, I can see movie companies massively jump on game franchises.

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