Cubed3 Nintendo Awards 2014 - Voting Now Open

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.12.2014 8

Image for Cubed3 Nintendo Awards 2014 - Voting Now Open

It's been a prosperous year for Nintendo and third-party publishers, with a wide range of critically acclaimed games gracing Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. From the high-octane, banana fuelled Mario Kart 8 to classic platforming in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, the frantic Hyrule Warriors to the charming Fantasy Life, there have been plenty of delicious experiences to tuck into.

Which Nintendo and multiplatform titles will get your crown for Game of the Year?

The Cubed3 2014 Awards are now live, and it's time for you to pick from this year's biggest releases on Nintendo Wii U, 3DS, eShop and multiplatform in various categories. Looking into the future, be sure to vote for the games you're most eager to play next year!

All nominations are based on 2014 titles released in Europe, in addition to games due for release in 2015.

Click here to Vote in the Cubed3 2014 Awards »


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My picks:

Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Game: Bayonetta 2
Wii U Game: Bayonetta 2
3DS Game: Senran Kagura Burst
eShop Game: Shovel Knight
Story: Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars
Music: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Graphics: Bayonetta 2
Multiplayer: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U / Nintendo 3DS
Most Anticipated Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Game: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Best Non-Nintendo System Game: Tales of Xillia 2
Most Anticipated Non-Nintendo System Game: Tales of Zestiria

My overall Game of the Year would probably be a draw between Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Tales of Xillia 2. Honestly can't decide.

Best wiiu- bayonetta 2
Best 3ds- Pokemon sapphire/ruby
best eshop- shovel knight
story- lone survivor
music- shovel knight
graphics- PT
multiplayer- bayonetta 2
most anticipated- mgs5: phantom pain
best non nintendo title- alien isolation 

best game- bayonetta 2

Award for most anticipated gaming system for real over all improvement : NEW NEW NINTENDO 3DS (just caint wait for the time to pre order) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Smilie

Who's the hot ninja girl in the middle?

Dragon0085 said:
Who's the hot ninja girl in the middle?
That's Asuka from Senran Kagura Burst.

Best Nintendo game of 2014: Super Smash Bros. Wii U

Best Wii U game : Bayonetta 2

Best Nintendo 3DS game : Super Smash Bros 3DS

Best Nintendo eShop game : Shovel Knight

Best Story : Watch Dogs

Best Music : Super Smash Bros. (By Far, Having Nintendos Legacy of Music )

Best Graphics : Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze

Best Multiplayer : Smash Bros Wii U (of Course Being 8 player and having online play)

Most Anticipated Nintendo 3DS / Wii U game : Gotta Be ZELDA Wii U

Best Non-Nintendo System Game of 2014 : Destiny ( I feel They Captured the Essence of Halo in the Game ).

Most Anticipated Non-Nintendo System Game :  BATMAN ARKHAM KNIGHT (Wish it was coming to Wii U though....)

Notables For game of the year : Hyrule Warriors (game is amazing ) Shovel Knight (linking the past with the future) Steam World Dig (personaly I love the Depth of this game literaly and figurativly )

Notable for Non Nintendo system : Lara croft ( Still amazing ) Meta Gear Solid V ( funny I have all the Metal Gears but im still looking for Metal Gear Twin Snakes on Game Cube . Plus Game boy Color Metal Gear

Notable Most anticipated Non-nintendo System Game: Mortal Kombat X (Go Sub Zero ) and (HALO 5 GUARDIANS)

So.. Thanks for reading.. thats my list. Whay do you think???........

( Edited 11.12.2014 19:50 by curtiscdragon )

I hope everyone has remembered to actually vote and not just leave their suggestions here. Smilie

SirLink said:
Dragon0085 said:
Who's the hot ninja girl in the middle?
That's Asuka from Senran Kagura Burst.

Wow...That chick in the middle from Senran Kagura Burst is hot (might need to rething my voting LOL.)  Oh yes Cubed Staff Crew I have done the regular voting as well right after my original post. Thanks for the heads up and keep the great reviews coming. Its gonna be an awsome 2015 !

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