Sakurai on Considering DLC for Smash Bros.

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.11.2014 6

Sakurai on Considering DLC for Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an interview, Super Smash Bros. producer Masahiro Sakurai was asked about whether Nintendo has plans for premium DLC.

He acknowledged how "fans could really enjoy DLC" that would keep an excitement going of which characters will appear, but feels that there might be criticism in that this content "should have been there from the start."

The team aren't taking additional characters lightly, with a each taking a "huge investment", and he believes the default roster is "an incredible package in terms of the sheer amount of content."

He feels that the team would need to weigh up both sides of the argument when it comes to DLC. Sakurai did confirm that "we aren't working on anything at the moment" when it comes to paid DLC, and can't yet give an "answer about whether the price would justify the costs and criticisms mentioned above."

Would you lap up paid DLC if Nintendo offered it for Super Smash Bros. in a similar way to Mario Kart 8, for example?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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It depends. With paid DLC I'd expect genuine new characters with completely new movesets.

I'm for DLC if it means we get characters like Andy(advance wars), Zael(The Last Story), Aeron (Pandora's Tower), King K Rool(DK) and Isa(Sin and Punishment). New characters with new ways to play

If its just a cash grab eg: Roy, Wolf, Lucas and Ice Climbers. I'll pass

Yea that would be cool....For me at the moment i would like just to have the option to buy MUE 2 if i do not have both titles.  

Proper new characters as a 5 character pack would be great, I think this is the sort of game that really does need this sort of additional content to keep it going. Fans need it!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Bayonetta, Zero from the Megaman X series & the GBA games, Wonder Red & Gunvolt or Mighty No. 9 are my requests.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I simply can't fathom why they would remove Isaac as an assist trophy or even regular trophy unless they're making him available through DLC.

Similar case for Reyn from Xenoblade. He is, hands-down, the most famous character from the game and easily a fan favorite. How they didn't include him in Shulk's final smash or as an assist trophy is unfathomable unless he's being added to the game later. It just makes no sense.

Then again, sometimes Sakurai does things that are hard for non-Sakurais to understand, so who knows. I'd like to think Assist Trophies and stages as DLC are likely at least; characters require re-balancing the entire roster. ATs and stages don't.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Really Reyn you say? I always thought Melia was supposed to be the overzealous fanboy favorite...which doesn't matter to me since I liked Sharla, Dunban & Mechonized Fiora the most for support cast. But yeah I'm surprised his Final Smash doesn't have more than just Dunban & Rikki in it, you'd think Nintendo would randomize the other 2 chain attack characters for flavor. I'd like them to add Mechonized Fiora as well if they're putting in more characters from Xenoblade.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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