Luigi's Mansion Cabinet Given Trial Run in Japanese Arcade

By Lex Firth 03.11.2014 3


A poster has been spotted for an arcade cabinet version of Luigi's Mansion.

A Japanese blogger uploaded the photo today, which appears to detail a trial run for the cabinet between October 30th and November 3rd. The poster credits Capcom too, making this potentially the next in a line of arcade collaborations from Nintendo.

Image for Luigi

The testing period has since ended and no details of the gameplay have yet surfaced. However, it is assumed that the game will bear some relation to the recently released Luigi's Mansion 2, as the poster borrows much of its artwork.

Neither Nintendo or Capcom have yet commented on the poster.

Box art for Luigi's Mansion 2
Also known as

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon


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I miss arcades I wish they were still popular in the west as they are in the Land of the rising sun.

Hard to exactly tell, but it looks like you'll play in a dark enclosed box.

That could be really cool and creepy if it blocks out a lot of outside light and sound form the rest of the arcade.

Would have been a good Halloween treat for those in Japan. 

Interesting to see how this went. 

Maybe Nintendo could think about putting amiibo support in the arcades similar to how Fzero GX/AX communicated. 

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