Teens React to Super Smash Bros. Nintendo 64

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.11.2014 8

Teens React to Super Smash Bros. Nintendo 64 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Teenagers have reacted to the Nintendo 64 classic and series debut, Super Smash Bros.

Originally released back in 1999/2000 on the Nintendo 64, the game was the first time the likes of Mario, Link, Pikachu, Samus and Kirby did battle in the ring. With the game now over 15 years old, a group of teenagers were challenged with trying out the game in a new "Reacts" video.


Do you still play the original Super Smash Bros. game?

Box art for Super Smash Bros.

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Sigh.......kids these days...T_T

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

There are so many things wrong with kids these days. Even the people who claim to have played the games are shocking!
I was 11ish when I got this and it's ruled my life ever since.  Me and my smash partner used to occasionally go back to this. The VC version on the Wii just played  a lot smoother than the N64 copy so it got us playing it a bit. 

My man Kirby felt a lot more stronger back in these days too!

To be fair to them, most of them probably haven't even touched a N64 before. So to expect them to play well isn't really fair. The controller is a weird shape and not like most regular controllers. Naturally, they held it how most people do if they've never played with an N64 pad before.

I was crap at motionplus on Skyward Sword at first and thought it was awful, but I managed to get more used to it. Same with the controls with Smash on 3DS, now I'm great with them and it feels natural.

Gamers like to think they're elite or something. You're not, everyone is just as capable, it's called learning and some people need to learn more than others to pick up stuff.

Our member of the week

I love the "react" series in general, especially when old technology is involved. The Kids react to walkman episode was hilarious XD.

I actually thought they would perform worse than they did. The N64 stick feels weird even to me when I pick it up after a while of playing with a modern analog stick which are flatter and all-round more comfortable (though N64 games themselves usually feel better to me when played with a real N64 analog stick because they were programmed for it and any other controller feels to sensitive in comparison... the gamecube ocarina of time disk for example, I'm crap at aiming with the bow or slingshot in that version!)

And even back in the days when the N64 was just out, people would get confused as to how the controller is supposed ot be held in hand, so to expect kids these days to know how if they have never held on in hand before... and even more so when no other controller has ever had three handles since Smilie... I say give them a break Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

That's fair enough...but the guy who won wasn't all that great of what he was boasting to be and claimed he played it already...(to be fair he did win)

its more of a resenting mid 20 year old statement...sit me down with some tape loaded/floppy disk machine and I'd probably do the same thing...

Our member of the week

Flynnie said:
That's fair enough...but the guy who won wasn't all that great of what he was boasting to be and claimed he played it already...(to be fair he did win)

Yeah, I gotta admit Smilie. I had the exact same thing happening at home a while back, there was this neigbour kid who had a Playstation (the PS3 was just about to be released but he was stuck with his big sis PS1) and he had Mortal Kombat Trilogy for it and a friend of mine, much older than me, who had been into fighting games since the very start of their popularity with thousands of hours of 2D fighting under the hood, was there too, and the kid would boast that he's good at Mortal Kombat, and that no one could beat him. Yeah, perhaps none of his friends, same age as him, but facing a TRUE opponent, that's something else Smilie. His face when he played him was priceless, he had never seen true skills XD.

I couldn't beay my friend either to be honest because I'm crap, and perhaps my level wasn't better than that kid's, but at least I admit it Smilie !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
I love the "react" series in general, especially when old technology is involved. The Kids react to walkman episode was hilarious XD..

I also love the React series. The Fine Bros. certainly had a great idea when they thought it up! It's getting even better with kids, teens and elders all reacting to other media now, rather than just viral videos and the likes.

I feel sorry for the kids who fell off the stage themselves, if only they knew how to do that third jump some of them would've been saved from early KOs.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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