Excitebike Arena In First Mario Kart 8 DLC

By Az Elias 28.10.2014 13

Excitebike Arena In First Mario Kart 8 DLC on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Excitebike Arena, a track based on the original NES game, will be included in the first Mario Kart 8 DLC, due to release in November.

Featuring a dirt-based track with lots of bumps and ramps for tricking and boosting off of, the locations of these ramps and speed boosts change position every time you race. It is one of eight new tracks that will be included in the DLC next month.

Does this track bring back any fond memories for those that played Excitebike? Enjoy the new screens and trailer below.

Image for Excitebike Arena In First Mario Kart 8 DLC
Image for Excitebike Arena In First Mario Kart 8 DLC
Image for Excitebike Arena In First Mario Kart 8 DLC
Image for Excitebike Arena In First Mario Kart 8 DLC
Image for Excitebike Arena In First Mario Kart 8 DLC
Image for Excitebike Arena In First Mario Kart 8 DLC
Box art for Mario Kart 8








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Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (5 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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ahhhhhhhhhhhhh the memories (i feel old)

Can't a fella drink in peace?

OMG! So much win! Smilie

Man, this takes me back. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

WhooooHoooooo !!! Ive been enjoying 3d Excite Bike on my 3ds. i will love to play the stages on Mario Kart.
Do you know if the stage wil be customizeable like excite bike as well ?????? that would be cool tooo!!!! Smilie

Our member of the week

I guess we might not get Wario Stadium (N64) too soon as a retro track now, since it might be considered too similar to this one...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Thought the same, Rudy. Time to hold out hope for May...

This reminds me how I'd love Baby Park to come back. Would be pure chaos online.

how about some arenas for battle mode?
give us block fort 64!

Insanoflex said:
how about some arenas for battle mode?
give us block fort 64!
Really hope there'll be some surprise DLC for battle mode. Just need Block Fort and Double Deck and I'll be sorted.

Gonna put this out there - is Wario Stadium (N64) really that good? lol.

They need to put classic battle modes back in, plus coin runners. IF so? I'm sold.

A patch to address balancing would be most welcome.

( Edited 28.10.2014 21:42 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Gonna put this out there - is Wario Stadium (N64) really that good? lol.
It's like most 64 stages tbh - in their original states played in MK64, they're really too big and wide and kinda boring on many of them tbh. It's more the nostalgia factor I personally have from pretty much hammering that game in multiplayer as a kid that I have so many fond memories of the 64 tracks.

But honestly, Wario Stadium 64 was actually awesome for a few parts of the track. One was the immediate jump over the wall after the start line to cut out half the track, then there was an immediate hop back over the wall to complete a lap in just a few seconds (which was much more difficult to achieve), and then there was a ramp that you could use a perfectly-timed lightning bolt on, to make racers going over the jump fall down to the track below, making them have to loop back around again, really putting them way back.

It was an awesome level when people were pulling off the shortcuts and hurting people on the jump.

Like the other 64 tracks in MK8, they'd be able to make it a lot more fun than what its original is though - without the additions and stuff, 64 tracks generally are quite boring, but I always have a special place for them. At the very least, Wario Stadium should definitely be a much more entertaining track than Toad's Turnpike, but due to how Lakitu doesn't let you drop down any more when you go off the edge of a track, the lightning bolt attack for Wario Stadium if brought back wouldn't work as well now : (

wow! so no baby park then

Yeah, they could make Wario Stadium much more exciting in MK8 (I did find it to be one of the more boring courses on MK64, personally)

That said, I think I'd rather them have Wario Colosseum, that was a really awesome course! They are bringing back Wario's Goldmine though, so maybe they wont want to bring back two Wario courses with the DLC.

I'd love Baby Park to make a comeback! It was one of my favourite tracks in Double Dash. It'd be absolutely amazing for 12 player online! Utter chaos!

The Excitebike course looks okay, but doesn't have much going on. Definitely one of the more boring looking courses, but could be fun with it changing each time. I can't wait to see the Mute City course!

Wow I can't believe I mentioned this the other week and now it's happened!

Maybe Waverace and 1080 themes tracks might not be so out of the question now at all! 

Az - As for Wario stadium I bet nintendo will be saving that one for Mario Kart 9. Can't go giving us eveything in one game now! Otherwise no one will ever really have to buy a new mario kart ever again!

Maybe 8 player local woudnt be a bad idea! (not sure how that would work but we'll Nintendo to figure that out Smilie )

Hah, yeah, but I didn't expect the four N64 tracks we got tbh. But there's only one more 64 track left now, might as well give it us now lol (or in the May DLC!).

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