Natsume won't release Harvest Moon 64 on Wii U Virtual Console

By Rudy Lavaux 24.10.2014 4

Natsume won

When asked recently on Twitter, by a fan, about whether or not Harvest Moon 64 will be coming or not the the Wii U Virtual Console, Natsume answered that the game is not planned to come out on the Virtual Console service.

You may check out the tweet in itself below:

While the phrasing may sound a bit weird, perhaps hinting at a possible other form of release for the classic game... Nintendo 64 Virtual Console for Wii U has been hinted at on more than one occasion in the past, so this does not seem like a confirmation of no N64 Virtual Console at all for the future. Rather it seems to purely and simply imply that this particular game won't be coming out on Virtual Console, whenever N64 games might come out on Wii U.

Would you have liked to dive again in one of the select few RPGs available on the Nintendo 64 back then? Let us know in the comments!

Box art for Harvest Moon 64








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Damn. Nintendo needs to step up their own support for both VC services, but they also need to get more 3rd parties involved. Like ASAP. Barely any 3rd parties support VC now compared to Wii's VC days.

This is ridiculous. We're still waiting for N64 support to arrive on Wii U, Wii U's VC is missing a bunch of classic consoles Wii's VC supported, and 3DS' VC doesn't support a bunch of classic consoles/portables you'd think would be a no-brainer like GBA, VB, SNES, TG-16, Master System, Mega Drive, Neo Geo Pocket, Wonder Swan, etc.

I'm going to be super pissed if Nintendo skimps on emulating the N64's Rumble and Controller Pak accessories once N64 does actually hit Wii U's VC service. I can't imagine them not including support for the N64's Expansion Pak, though. After all, a few games were released on Wii's VC that required it. Majora's Mask being one of them.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Agul said:
Damn. Nintendo needs to step up their own support for both VC services, but they also need to get more 3rd parties involved. Like ASAP. Barely any 3rd parties support VC now compared to Wii's VC days.

This is ridiculous. We're still waiting for N64 support to arrive on Wii U, Wii U's VC is missing a bunch of classic consoles Wii's VC supported, and 3DS' VC doesn't support a bunch of classic consoles/portables you'd think would be a no-brainer like GBA, VB, SNES, TG-16, Master System, Mega Drive, Neo Geo Pocket, Wonder Swan, etc.

I'm going to be super pissed if Nintendo skimps on emulating the N64's Rumble and Controller Pak accessories once N64 does actually hit Wii U's VC service. I can't imagine them not including support for the N64's Expansion Pak, though. After all, a few games were released on Wii's VC that required it. Majora's Mask being one of them.

Ya true, it's weird - I thought Wii U would have a solid catalogue, but it's really pretty piss poor. So much first party potential even, but alas - no Nintendo 64 games, no GameCube games. No enhanced editions (like online support). Jack. They could easily form a VC studio with a small team of 5-10 devs and really churn out content. Content is king.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well I hope they put it on Wii U VC at some point, Harvest Moon 64 is by far my favorite in the series. I remember being soooooo hooked that I went through an entire calendar year in one sitting on a Saturday!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Rian (guest) 17.03.2016#4

Honestly it's really sad that they don't seem to want to do an HM64 re-release. It's widely considered to be one of the best games in the series, even with all of the bugs and translation errors. This would be the perfect game to get a new generation hooked on the series, but no one seems to want to step up with it!

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