Mewtwo Re-Joins Smash Bros. Line-up as DLC in 2015

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.10.2014 7

Mewtwo Re-Joins Smash Bros. Line-up as DLC in 2015 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During a special Nintendo Direct today, Nintendo confirmed the inclusion of Mewtwo in the new Super Smash Bros.

Both games, for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, will receive a free DLC update for the king of psychic Pokémon during Spring 2015. Nintendo confirmed that there is a fair bit of work to get the character included in the roster; given the need to ensure things are sufficiently balanced.

Mewtwo will be available as a download for those who have purchased both versions.

Image for Mewtwo Re-Joins Smash Bros. Line-up as DLC in 2015

What other characters would you like to see added to the Super Smash Bros. line-up?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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That's interesting, I wonder if they'll offer any more DLC like this. Bit unfair for those who can't afford both games though. Good to see Mewtwo back, but i would have rather had Wolf. There's still time though!!

Bucky (guest) 24.10.2014#2

"Mewtwo will be available as a download for those who have purchased both versions."

So do you have to purchase both games to be able to get Mewtwo for free, or will he be free to everybody?

We were led to believe that he will be free for those who have both versions, there was no mentioning of any other way to get him at the moment

Which is perfectly fine with me & a great way to encourage those people who have biased hate for handhelds, thinking them "inferior". And for the honest Joe's who just don't have the money but would like to have Mewtwo I'm sure you can call on a friend who owns the other version to help you out by connecting his/hers version with yours.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I'm sure the data will be held to the SD card of the 3DS so people can't go whoring out their 3DS'. Nintendo tend to like to keep things limited edition in a sense, so I wouldn't expect to see Mewtwo appear as paid DLC down the line. 

Vorash Kadan said:
Which is perfectly fine with me & a great way to encourage those people who have biased hate for handhelds, thinking them "inferior". And for the honest Joe's who just don't have the money but would like to have Mewtwo I'm sure you can call on a friend who owns the other version to help you out by connecting his/hers version with yours.

i understand that approach but I do feel for those kids who's parents won't get them both versions of the game. 

Finnaly Mew Two Has returned..........great great and for both versions too...... the only issue is trying to coming up with both versions and pay out 100.00.....ouch. In time thats somthing i may do but for now i cannot afford that even as an adult. Will we still be able to get the free music and the Mew two character later like mabe a moth or two or longer if we wait on one then get the other????????????? Smilie

For the CD - I think I read somewhere that the promotion finishes on January 5th. But now I can't remember where I saw that. Best thing to do is to keep an eye on this page

I guess Mewtwo will be a everlasting deal, but who knows!

( Edited 28.10.2014 03:01 by Flynnie )

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