Yoshi Circuit (GC) confirmed for the November Mario Kart 8 DLC pack

By Rudy Lavaux 22.10.2014 11

Yoshi Circuit (GC) confirmed for the November Mario Kart 8 DLC pack on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a trailer published yesterday by Nintendo's Japanese Youtube Channel, it has been confirmed that the first paid DLC pack of content for Mario Kart 8, scheduled to be released next month (November 2014), will contain the Yoshi Circuit track from the 2003 (2004 in Europe) Gamecube game Mario Kart: Double Dash!!.

Image for Yoshi Circuit (GC) confirmed for the November Mario Kart 8 DLC pack

This marks the first time that any retro track in a Mario Kart game has been remade twice, since this very same track had already been remade in Mario Kart DS back in 2005. Whether or not more retro tracks already remade in the past will continue to be given the HD lick of paint in this one or other future DLC packs will remain to be seen, but this at least sets a significant precedent in the series history. You can check out the trailer below :


For reference, this Zelda themed DLC pack comes at the price of £7 / $8 / €8 and will release next month while another, Animal Crossing themed pack will release in May 2015 at the same price. Both packages are already available to pre-purchase and it is possible to buy both in a bundle at the reduced price of £11 / $12 / €12. Additionally, purchasing both packs (seperately or in a bundle) will net you the possibility to play as alternate coloured Yoshis and Shy Guys ! Keep in mind though that both packs will require at least 1GB of free storage each to be installed once they are released, so better make sure you have enough room for them on your internal or external storage.

Have you already purchased the DLC pack(s) and are you excited at the prospect of going back to Yoshi Circuit? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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I don't mind it making its third appearance, but there's still a LOT of older courses that have yet to receive the retro treatment, making this a bit odd.

Here's some 3D ones that haven't come back yet:

Wario Stadium

Mushroom City
Wario Colosseum
Bowser's Castle
Rainbow Road

Figure-8 Circuit
Shroom Ridge
Mario Circuit
Bowser's Castle
Rainbow Road

( Edited 22.10.2014 23:49 by Azuardo )

Our member of the week

Not all of them have been unveiled yet and as far as I know, this is the first track confirmed for any of these DLC packs as well, out of (supposedly) 8 possible retro ones (since I expect each pack should be 1 cup of new tracks and 1 cup of retro ones). that leaves 7 spots for future retro goodness.

I don't mind this one being remade either, I always liked it Smilie. And it brings that Double Dash music too that I liked so much ^^.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Wii Wario's Gold Mine is also confirmed : )

I really want N64 Wario Stadium, and all the N64 ones will be done and I'll be super happy. Although, due to the way Lakitu picks you up as soon as you go off-course now, being a bastard to other racers and lightning bolting them at the top of the big jump in Wario Stadium, making them re-run back around will be no more : (

I would also settle for GCN Rainbow Road because of the music.

( Edited 23.10.2014 00:15 by Azuardo )

That's a good list Azu & I'd definitely love a remake of Wario Stadium & Colloseum as well as the DS Bowser's Castle & version of Rainbow Road.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

This was always going to happen at one point. I always like the addition of retro tracks but prefer if Nintendo would keep creating new tracks rather than leaning on old tracks. I do love the music in the GC tracks too. If Nintendo had to use old tracks then they should give a little more love to the GBA tracks. Super Circuit is probably one of my most played games of all time and still prefered it over MKDS. 

I'm still wary about DLC in general as I feel like in normally means that companies are charging more for what should have been already in the game (EA do this and so did THQ). I just hope Nintendo don't go down this route!

Our member of the week

I would be kinda surprised if they brought back another Rainbow Road in the same game, let alone two.

Maybe if those two DLC packs are the only two we'll get... and I can't imagine that they'd release another DLC pack beyond the May one, as it would feel weird to me to keep bringing DLC over a year after a game's release... then maybe they'd add a final Rainbow Road one, but I can't imagine there would be two more. Oh well, not too long to wait now Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

An easy fix would be to put Rainbow Road 64 back to 3 actual laps! It's a joke at the moment!

Flynnie said:
An easy fix would be to put Rainbow Road 64 back to 3 actual laps! It's a joke at the moment!
Hear, hear.

I just hope we get a decent battle mode, it's a tad annoying doing constant doughnuts around where item boxes spawn on an entire course to say the least...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

love this track! i agree warip stadium n64 should defo be remade aswell as baby park, kalimari(?) desert, bowsers castle gcn and maple treeway wii.ii.

Actually it would be a bit more interesting to see if they want to reuse other assets from other Nintendo games. We know we are getting an Fzero themed track but what about just recreating an fzero track altogether? Put Mute city in there? 

Heck if we are going that far then take some tracks from 1080, WaveRace, excite bike/truck, diddy Kong racing or even a Mercedes test track made to look like a Mario Circuit kind of track Smilie

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