Hori to Also Release GameCube Wii Controllers

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.10.2014 4

Hori to Also Release GameCube Wii Controllers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Peripherals gurus Hori will be releasing a pair of GameCube-esque controllers with a Super Mario Bros. lick of paint.

Similar to the designs by fellow hardware manufacturers PDP, the Hori versions will come in a Mario or Luigi look with the full set of Nintendo GameCube buttons. The controllers also include additional shoulder triggers, larger D-Pad and turbo features for button-mashing maniacs. They will be available across Japan from 6th December, just in time for the launch of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

Image for Hori to Also Release GameCube Wii Controllers

Unlike the official Nintendo method of hooking up controllers to the GameCube adapter, these particular designs will plug into a Wii remote; compatible with all titles that support the Wii Classic Controller.

Will you grab hold of these Hori GameCube controllers?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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BOOOO YAWWWOOHH !!!!! That what im talkin about. Better controllers with more options. Funny even though i like these contollers i will probally by the old and new game cube contollers. (sorry im a fan :palmSmilie!

Our member of the week

Hori have been known to make officialy endorsed controllers for Nintendo consoles (Hori N64 Pad Mini and the Game Boy Player Gamecube controller both come to mind... which I both own ^^).

I wonder if this one will be officially endorsed by Nintendo as well. Maybe not so if it competes with their own official GC controller adapter and sales of newly produced GC controllers.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Bucky (guest) 21.10.2014#3

It is cool that you can use it with more games, but I do not like having to plug controllers into the Wii remote.

Our member of the week

Bucky (guest) said:
It is cool that you can use it with more games, but I do not like having to plug controllers into the Wii remote.

Now that you're saying this I DO remember in the very early months and years of the original Wii of a classic controller that, while it plugged into the wii remote too, had a mechanism to "house" the wii remote and cable at its bottom, but I can't remember for the life of me who manufactured these. It must date back to 2007 I think, but I can't find any info on this, I don't know what keywords to use to google it Smilie.

EDIT : Ah well what do you know? Found it Smilie! It was the Nyko Classic Controller Grip ! And contrary to what my memory told me, it's not a controller, just an accessory to fit the regular classic controller into it while keeping the wii remote fixed to it. Not a bad idea back then, tough wireless classic controller housing the whole wii remote tech inside did come out years later eventually.

( Edited 21.10.2014 12:57 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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