Oddworld Difficult to Squeeze onto 8GB Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.10.2014 2

Oddworld Difficult to Squeeze onto 8GB Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The developers behind the upcoming Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty are having issues with the game's file size on Nintendo Wii U.

In a recent podcast, Lorne Lanning divulged new details on the project, noting how he is "desperate to be on Nintendo". The problem stems from the game's filesize, and how it would exceed that available space on a Basic Wii U console - those with the 8GB Wii U model wouldn't be able to download the game without needing an additional hard-drive.

For the moment, the team is "absolutely giving it our best effort and we want to succeed. But it is a challenge not having a hard disk."

Aside from this hurdle, it isn't a "deal breaker nor the only challenge," the studio stated on Twitter yesterday.

Are you planning on downloading Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty?

Box art for Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - New 'n' Tasty!

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Hopefully the WiiU version releases on time. It's the version I want and it'd be a shame if another developer finds yet another excuse not to release.

Ifrit XXII said:
Hopefully the WiiU version releases on time. It's the version I want and it'd be a shame if another developer finds yet another excuse not to release.
It would, but I think you can really trust what these guys say - very genuine devs who have been pushing long and hard from very early to try and get on Wii U. They really want this game to get to as many people as they can. Hopefully they can overcome the problems they're facing.

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