Board Games and Stage Builder Leaked for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Leak

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.10.2014 4

Board Games and Stage Builder Leaked for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Leak on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Super Smash Bros. for Wii U product listing on Amazon has leaked various new features for the upcoming game. Perhaps related to the teaser from producer Masahiro Sakurai earlier this week, it seems that home-console installment of Super Smash Bros. will be getting its fair share of meaty content.

Three previously undisclosed modes were, and are still at time of writing, mentioned on the Amazon US listing.

These features include:

  • A stage creator/level-editor for the GamePad
  • A challenge mode with Master and Crazy Hand
  • A brand new board game mode
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is due for release on 21st November 2014 across North America, 5th December in Europe and 6th December in Japan/Australia.

What do you think of these new features for the upcoming Wii U release?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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I can see the board game mode having a heavy affiliation with Amiibo. To be honest I would probably buy a physical board game of Smash where you used your amiibos to move around the board and they would interact with the board in some way. 

Ive  never really been interested in creating stages I thought the stage builder in Brawl was poor, happy for it to be included but probably won't really ever be used on my copy.

where you used your amiibos to move around the board and they would interact with the board in some way.

That would be great; and a brilliant way of bridging the gap between traditional board games and video games. Pitch it!

Never really been interested in creating stages I thought the stage builder in Brawl was poor, happy for it to be included but probably won't really ever be used on my copy.

I created a few; my favourite was building a square with a very small gap at the top - everyone would leap into this square, batter each other up, and could only KO through the small gap. Single stock. Madness!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Stage builders are one of the best things in games when effort goes in to giving options for users. Brawl's was shit. Hope they really deliver in SSBU.

That idea could make them millions JB and yet I know they still wouldn't listen. Got a better chance speaking with Disney or Skylanders!

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