Nintendo UK on Improved Wii U Outlook

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.10.2014 1

Nintendo UK on Improved Wii U Outlook on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

How has the Wii U performed in the UK during 2014? The company's marketing guru Shelly Peace discusses the platform.

Speaking to industry paper MVC, Pearce stated how "Wii U has had quite a good year so far", with sales up by around 60 percent, mainly due to the launch of the much-anticipated Mario Kart 8. Since Mario and friends started zipping around lush circuits in HD, Nintendo saw changes in "attitudes to Wii U."

With a strong E3 reception this year, Pearce believes that "all the software that we showed then gave people confidence that there were lots of games coming that they wanted."

The company are expecting to see "real growth from Wii U this Christmas and we will continue to build on that next year," with games like Splatoon and Captain Toad expected during 2015.

UK general maanger Simon Kemp also chimed in, noting how "compared to 12 months ago, it does feel noticeably different."

Do you think the outlook for Wii U is different this year?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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At this point you caint place Nintendo with Sony or MicroSoft. Its in its on place in time and space. And its in its on place with the fans as well. I love Nintendo and will always be a fan. Im one of thoughs that truly look for somthing different and new from gaming for this new generation of games (or current gen). I feel the  Nintendo is the perfect system for new ideas and new ways to play games. I feel the majority of the other guys just have the same thing as the previous generation. I feel the WII U will be the system that will take us into the future once the developers and the consumers fully realize and are able to fully utilize the system. I fell touch screen console gaming truly is the next step. And who better to first introduce that but Nintendo.

( Edited 17.10.2014 19:46 by curtiscdragon )

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