Pokémon Producer Keen to Work with Amiibo

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.10.2014 1

Pokémon Producer Keen to Work with Amiibo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Junichi Masuda would like to work with Nintendo's NFC figures within the Pokémon franchise.

The man behind the main RPG/adventure series expressed interest in the wireless NFC technology, providing they incorporate "new types of gameplay." Speaking to GameSpot this week, he noted how "if we can find some really cool way to use Amiibo with NFC" that the team would "definitely be supportive of using it in the future."

Game Freak have already used the Wii U GamePad for Pokémon Rumble U, with specific figures used to bring special characters into the game. The key difference with Amiibo, however, is that Nintendo intend to use the same figures across multiple games; so that players don't need to purchase separate toys for each title.

Amiibo is also heading to Nintendo 3DS/2DS at somepoint, via an adapter and also integrated within New Nintendo 3DS consoles.

Would you like to see Amiibo incorporated into the Pokémon franchise?

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"amiibo Mew 2 amiibo Mew 2 amiibo Mew 2 " !!!!!Smilie

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