Game Freak Won't Remove Random Pokémon Battles

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.10.2014

Game Freak Won

Would Nintendo ever consider removing random battles in future Pokémon games? Producer Junichi Masuda has the answer.

Speaking to USGamer, Masuda was asked on whether Nintendo/Game Freak would ever consider shaking up one of the elements that has become synonymous with Pokémon: trundling through thick grass to encounter wild beasts.

"I think Pokémon lets you choose between competition and the element of chance, and with the random encounters it's a kind of lottery as you enter the tall grass and you don't know what's going to appear," he said. By removing random battles, Masuda feels that "we'd be removing one of the big categories of play from the game, and we don't think that's a good idea."

Should Nintendo consider removing random encounters in future Pokémon titles?

Box art for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Game Freak




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