This month's featured Club Nintendo game rewards include Kirby's Dream Course and 3D Classics: Kid Icarus.
Each month Nintendo of America offer a selection of games to download in exchange for hard-earned Club Nintendo coins. This time round players can embark on a classic adventure with Nintendo's pink puffball, tackle brain puzzlers and experience classic simian arcade antics.
The selection of rewards are available from now until 16th November.
Wii U Downloads
- Wrecking Crew - 200 Coins
- Kirby's Dream Course - 200 Coins
- Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II - 200 Coins
- Maboshi's Arcade - 250 Coins
3DS Downloads
- Kersploosh - 150 Coins
- Brain Age Express: Math - 200 Coins
- 3D Classics: Kid Icarus - 200 Coins
- Donkey Kong - 150 Coins