Rumour: Could Tharja Have Been Removed from Smash Bros. 3DS (NSFW)

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.10.2014 9

Rumour: Could Tharja Have Been Removed from Smash Bros. 3DS (NSFW) on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rumour: It seems that Tharja, a trophy that leaked for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, could have been removed from the game.

As featured from Fire Emblem: Awakening, Tharja is known for wearing rather revealing clothing, and she had appeared in supposedly leaked pre-release ERSB footage in trophy form. However, now that the game has hit multiple regions, it seems that she has been removed (if she was ever intended to be included).

Image for Rumour: Could Tharja Have Been Removed from Smash Bros. 3DS (NSFW)

Some fans speculate that the lack of a Tharja trophy could have been due to a possible shift in age-rating for the game.

That said, there are revealing outfits that made it into the final, retail release - including a swimwear costumes for Zero Suit Samus and newbie, Shulk.

Should Tharja have been included in the final retail release?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

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You know if Nintendo is worried about controversy like this then WHY BOTHER making a character like her in the first place? Whatever, this just seems like a recurring theme for poor Tharja.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
You know if Nintendo is worried about controversy like this then WHY BOTHER making a character like her in the first place? Whatever, this just seems like a recurring theme for poor Tharja.

Fire Emblem is geared toward a more niche and older audience than Smash Bros. Smash Bros has trophies for most of the characters from Awakening. It could be as simple as the ESRB told them "It's T if you keep this trophy, otherwise it's E10."

Not to mention all of the models in Awakening are very low-poly, there's not as much detail so there's less of an objection.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I always had trouble trying to level her up in Fire Emblem , I tried to get her to be part of my main team but she always died so easily so I'd end up restarting the level. I gave up in the end.

To be honest there was a lot of sexual innuendo in FE:A  more so than previous FE games. 

Flynnie said:
I always had trouble trying to level her up in Fire Emblem , I tried to get her to be part of my main team but she always died so easily so I'd end up restarting the level. I gave up in the end.

To be honest there was a lot of sexual innuendo in FE:A  more so than previous FE games. 

I married her in FE:A and teamed up with my avatar she wrecked absolutely everything. I haven't used a Dark Magic user before, so this was the best opportunity and it totally paid off.

It's a shame some skin in games affects ratings so much. Kids see this stuff or even more on the beach, too. Never made sense to me, honestly. It's not like we're talking about Bayonetta and what she does here.

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SirLink said:
Kids see this stuff or even more on the beach, too. Never made sense to me, honestly.

But here it would providing them with the sight on a small screen that they can carry around with them wherever they want and use in the privacy of their own rooms... A kid will not be tempted as much to stare on the beach where anyone else could see him than on a small screen.

I can understand Nintendo's position though. the 3DS demographic is a young one, worldwide, and mostly those games are being purchased by parents for their kids. Having a lower age rating can mean more sales for them, so especially in such cases where it could be just one trophy that would make all the difference, better take it out. It's not like we NEED the trophy to begin with Smilie. What for? To stare at Tharja's curves in all their stereoscopic glory Smilie? Do we really NEED that XD? Does the game NEED boobs and asses to become enjoyable and is it such a big deal that it would make one decide not to purchase the game? Perhaps to those who enjoy the game primarily for the female fan service I guess. Not to me anyway Smilie.

No matter how I look at it, I'm not too fussed if they removed it personally Smilie. Makes for some interesting trivia about the game though, and I always like those tidbits ^^. They could also have dressed her back up a bit more on the other hand though, like they've always done so far in such instances.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I guess you have a point with the handheld thing there, Rudy. I'm assuming the reason why regular Zero Suit Samus was okay is because it's not skin - despite showing more curves - and her alternate costume because can't see her butt cheeks like you can see Tharja's? No idea.

The Wii U version most likely will have a higher rating with how more pronounced these things are in it. Skin-tight Captain Falcon totally overshadows the ladies there. Smilie

Violence = just fine
Very marginally nudity = oh nooooessss <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Violence = just fine
Very marginally nudity = oh nooooessss

Pretty much. You have to keep in mind this leak allegedly comes from an ESRB employee, which is the ratings board for America. We're still pretty behind when it comes to things like showing minor amounts of skin.

I just feel bad for the developers. That's a high-quality model they had to make from scratch, only to have it cut because you can see like 1/3 of her butt cheek.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Flynnie said:
I always had trouble trying to level her up in Fire Emblem , I tried to get her to be part of my main team but she always died so easily so I'd end up restarting the level. I gave up in the end.

To be honest there was a lot of sexual innuendo in FE:A  more so than previous FE games. 

Yeah you can team her up with a strong ally, preferably whoever you want to her marry in the game if he's marryable. If you think leveling Tharja is hard try Maxing Donny's Farmer skill & stats....not easy but well worth the skills gained from it.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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