Wii U Hardware to Blame for Lack of Assassin's Creed Unity

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.10.2014 15

Wii U Hardware to Blame for Lack of Assassin

Why is Assassin's Creed Unity not sneaking up on Nintendo Wii U? It seems hardware is the main reason.

The forthcoming game, in development for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, is the latest chapter in the popular action/adventure series. Ubisoft have had a healthy output for the franchise on Wii U so far, but the new game won't be coming to Nintendo's platform.

"This is why we from the beginning, this was going to be a new-gen-only title, because the crowds aren't aesthetic, they actually have impact," said Ubisoft creative director Alex Amancio in an interview. "If we did anything to hinder that or to reduce that it would have a detrimental impact, it wouldn't be the same experience."

Amancio doesn't want to have the same game with "different levels of experience" and feels that the studio would be "cheating fans" by providing a lesser version of Assassin's Creed Unity.

Would you have liked to have experienced Assassin's Creed Unity on Wii U?

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That, and most Nintendo fans don't give a shit about AC, and if they do, they've probably bought it or will buy it on another system they own.


Should be obvious Unity wouldn't come to Wii U. The question should be why Rogue isn't coming, which is because of the above: it wouldn't sell enough to be worth the investment.

Amancio doesn't want to have the same game with "different levels of experience" and feels that the studio would be "cheating fans" by providing a lesser version of Assassin's Creed Unity.

That never stopped them before for other games...

Azuardo said:
That, and most Nintendo fans don't give a shit about AC, and if they do, they've probably bought it or will buy it on another system they own.


Should be obvious Unity wouldn't come to Wii U. The question should be why Rogue isn't coming, which is because of the above: it wouldn't sell enough to be worth the investment.

Speak for yourself Azu, I do like the series & PREFER playing them on Nintendo systems instead of Ms or ps platforms. Nintendo needs better third party support. I'd like to see the reaction from sony only fanboys or xbox fans when THEIR right of choice is taken away!! It's been happening to us Nintendo faithful for the past few years who DON'T want to be forced into purchasing a sony system JUST for third party games that can be on ANY system & not just ps or xbox...if anything that douche a Ubisoft IS cheating fans.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Anyone who still hasn't accepted the fact you don't buy a Nintendo console for third party games is deranged. Doesn't matter if a select few are willing to buy third party games on it or not (I used to buy them when I could in the GC days), they are a severe minority. Like mentioned in the article - 4% bought Ubisoft games on Wii U, then 3% the next year. Makes perfect sense not to invest making Wii U versions of AC. Either you accept it and buy another system (PC is an option too, not just PS or Xbox), or stop whining.

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Azuardo said:
Anyone who still hasn't accepted the fact you don't buy a Nintendo console for third party games is deranged. Doesn't matter if a select few are willing to buy third party games on it or not (I used to buy them when I could in the GC days), they are a severe minority. Like mentioned in the article - 4% bought Ubisoft games on Wii U, then 3% the next year. Makes perfect sense not to invest making Wii U versions of AC. Either you accept it and buy another system (PC is an option too, not just PS or Xbox), or stop whining.

I did buy a Wii U myself because :

1. I can only afford one system.
2. Nintendo game franchises are my favourites so whatever system they will come out on has my immediate preference. The forever stuck in the past kind of guy you know Smilie? There's so much to buy already from my favourite franchises that I can't afford venturing too often into new franchises.
3. I care about good graphics but I care even more about being able to play my favourite Nintendo franchises, so that's a small sacrifice I'm willing to make.
4. I want to be able to play as many good games on it as possible, and if they're ports I expect them to be as good as the hardware can produce and the only way to judge what the system can do is to look at the best looking games currently available for it. Tough it is understood that multiplat games which all run on the same engine ported to different systems will naturally not be able to make the most of the specificities of one given hardware.

I didn't buy my Wii U primarily for third party games indeed, but I'm still able to appreciate and wish that more third party games came out on the system, either for myself or for those like me who would appreciate them. I did get AC3 and enjoyed it to bits on wii U and the only thing that prevented me from getting AC4 on it was money issues.

Having said that of course I "get" that the Wii U is not the best business opportunity for them, out there and I'm resigned to the fact that I might have to make do with fewer games (which is fine by me given that I have little time to play games nowadays anyway and a colossal backlog of games to finish Smilie).

The excuse of the hardware, while a potentially valid one, is rep BS though, really. If the Wii U was selling well, and it was THE platform on which they could make a big profit, they wouldn't care about the "experience", they'd release Unity for it, regardless of graphical fidelity.

If I manage to prevent my laptop from overheating in the near future and manage to cram a better GFX card in it, I'll buy it on PC, because it's one game I would very much like to play, I'm not butthurt that it's not coming to Wii U, but I have a right to have wished that they did so... and to consider that their excuse is not entirely truthful, because we all know that if their was potential profit to make from it, they would release the game for it...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It's a hard decision you have to make. Not everyone can afford multiple systems. No harm in wishing for more third party support, but actually going nuts over it and slamming third parties constantly is silly considering the circumstances and the fact this always happens on Nintendo home consoles. Are people seriously going to keep crying when the next Resident Evils, Tomb Raiders, Metal Gears, Final Fantasys, Tales, Deus Exs, GTAs, Mass Effects, etc don't get announced for Wii U? People want the best of both worlds, and I would have loved that too, but it's a Nintendo - it was never going to get the kind of third party support other systems get. You either make a decision to buy it for Nintendo games or buy another system for third party games.

Yes, the actual response from Ubi that they didn't want to cheat people on Wii U to get an inferior experience is rubbish, but the article I linked to gives their actual real reason for it. Most Nintendo fans don't buy AC games, and in turn, clearly don't buy many third party games.

So they don't want to give Wii U owners an inferior version but they have no problem going for parity with Unity on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 despite the latter being more capable. Plus, Ubisoft constantly screws over PC owners with shitty ports.

Hilarious. Man, I love gaming PR. Comedy gold.

( Edited 07.10.2014 13:33 by SirLink )

Our member of the week

SirLink said:
Hilarious. Man, I love gaming PR. Comedy gold.

I just imagined a Ubi rep on stage announcing it and laughing tracks playing right behind XD.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

SirLink said:
So they don't want to give Wii U owners an inferior version but they have no problem going for parity with Unity on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 despite the latter being more capable. Plus, Ubisoft constantly screws over PC owners with shitty ports.

Hilarious. Man, I love gaming PR. Comedy gold.


Also as for Azu's odd comment regarding Nintendo third party. You DO realize that there's nothing keeping it that way besides biased brand association & people own ignorance right? Have you forgotten the massive third party support Nintendo AND SEGA had before? I guess so considering you apparently doubt Nintendo can get it again.

SOny can't stand on their own 2 feet without third party support, they don't have nearly the same presence Nintendo does with first party games. So yes it'll be a fight for EQUAL third party support...but it's a fight well worth doing AND WINNING!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Well, good luck with it.

Our member of the week

Vorash Kadan said:
SOny can't stand on their own 2 feet without third party support, they don't have nearly the same presence Nintendo does with first party games.

Mmmh if that was back in the PS1 era or early PS2 era I would have agreed but they have since developed a fair few good IPs of their own and have come to own important ones.

Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, The God of War franchise, Gran Turismo is now theirs since they own Polyphony Digital, Uncharted, WipeOut, Ratchet & Clank, Jak and Daxter... in recent years they've also become a strong contender for development of original IPs which were critically acclaimed like Rain and The Last of Us... and not to mention their strong RPG legacy with Wild Arms and Arc the Lad among others.

We all agree that they're not Nintendo in terms of back catalogue, and with good reason too since Nintendo had a long headstart, but what was certainly true 15 years ago isn't so true anymore, they haven't been doing nothing and sitting there not developing anything themselves since the PS1 days (and if you want to argue that a lot of those were not developed internally, well that's the case with Nintendo too, who owe several of their established franchises to external companies and first and second party developers (Kirby and Smash Bros are originally HAL games, Starfox is Argonaut Software, Fire Emblem is Intelligent Systems, etc...)

And all that I just said here is coming from a Nintendo fanboy who owns neither a PS3 or PS4, so spare us the Sony fanboy lecture, I own none of all these franchises (save for ICO). My point is simply that true, they owe a lot of their success to third party support which has been consistent accross all their platforms, but they DO have a lot of owned franchises which have proven successful, either critically or commercially, when it's not BOTH.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Actually Rudy I'd say it's the other way around, sony had more personality in their games when they were making/supporting titles like Crash Bandikoot, Spyro, Midevil & one of the BEST JRPGs of that time & one of my personal favs....The Legend of Dragoon. They've gone from original ideas & being focused on genuine fun to "MOOOOAR GRAPHICS!!", "Money is important...not our fans", & "we're right because we're sony & what we say GOES".

Both them & Microsoft went too far too fast & ended up shortening the lifespan of the videogame industry with their petty graphic whore war....at least the visuals won't be able to advance much further so morons who bitch about "Nintendo games don't look good enough" will no longer be an issue, but yeah both companies screwed us over in the long run. Also you can't use the PS+ subscription with free games or the fact that sony is losing money with EACH system sold as ways to defend them. They backed themselves into a corner with their arrogance when they made the ps3....it's no one's fault but their own for being forced to be so...."generous".

( Edited 10.10.2014 17:23 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
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Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Oh Azu & Rudy....you 2 are cute. XP

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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