RCMADIAX Confirms Upcoming Releases

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.10.2014 1

RCMADIAX Confirms Upcoming Releases on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

RCMADIAX has confirmed an upcoming release schedule for the coming months, including Super Robo Mouse and Blok Drop X Twisted Fusion.

The studio have a range of titles in the pipe-line, including an update for Blok Drop U, plus newer releases like Color Bombs, Pentapuzzle and Blok Drop 2. The company also noted how there are no releases from 1st July 2015 to 31st March 2015 planned, and the studio will begin to move to a one-title-per year business model to start to work on larger-scaled projects.

What do you think of the RCMADIAX line-up so far?

Box art for Blok Drop U








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Yeah, his games need a little more time in the oven. Looking forward to what he can do with an entire year.

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