Sleuthing Spy Chameleon Blends into Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.09.2014

Sleuthing Spy Chameleon Blends into Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EnjoyUp have announced a new arcade puzzler for Wii U, Spy Chameleon.

Taking the role of an RBG Agent, players venture across 5 crazy missions and 75 levels to complete top-secret missions. Cases include taking pictures of a celebrity and her lover or getting the secret formula from a drinks company.

Image for Sleuthing Spy Chameleon Blends into Wii U

The main mechanic? Change colour to blend in with the environment to remain undetected, using tighr reflexes, timing and strategy. Developed by Unfinished Pixel, a studio based in Barcelona, the game will be published by EnjoyUp.

Image for Sleuthing Spy Chameleon Blends into Wii U
Image for Sleuthing Spy Chameleon Blends into Wii U

What do you think of the Spy Chameleon concept?

Box art for Spy Chameleon

Unfinished Pixel







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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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