Japan to Get a Retail Release of SEGA 3D Classics on 3DS

By Rudy Lavaux 24.09.2014 5

Japan to Get a Retail Release of SEGA 3D Classics on 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As a part of their Sega 3D Hukkoku Project (Sega 3D Reprint Project), which consists in re-releasing some of their arcade greatests on the Nintendo 3DS eShop with a stereoscopic 3D effect added to the graphics, Sega now announced for Japan the upcoming release of a retail package of several of their already released 3D titles, bundled on a single cartridge under the name Sega 3D Hukkoku Archives (Sega 3D Reprinted Archives). See here for a machine translated version of the same page.

The collection is said to bundle the following games:

Some of these have even yet to be released in the West. In addition to these, 2 "Bonus" games will be added to the mix :
  • Space Harrier 3-D
  • Outrun 3-D
Those two are not to be mistaken with the previous 3D eShop releases since they are ports of the Master System games of the same name, which were already made playable in stereoscopic 3D on their original hardware using the SegaScope 3-D glasses, and now made playable in stereoscopic 3D again thanks to the auto-stereoscopic 3D screen of the 3DS. No word has filtered so far about possible eShop releases of these two specific games though.

Sega 3D Hukkoku Archives will be released in Japan on December 18th 2014 at the price of 3980 Yen (£22.34 / $36.65 / €28.53). As one would expect, chances for this collection to be released at retail in the West are fairly slim.

Have you already downloaded some of these titles on the European or American eShop and would you like to get a retail release of those titles in the West? Let us know in the comments below!


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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Has Outrun been released in Europe yet?

I know there is no point in hoping for SEGA to bring the second wave of 3D classics to Europe, but still... I hope.

Marzy said:
Has Outrun been released in Europe yet?

Nope, it's still exclusive to the Japanese eShop.

( Edited 24.09.2014 13:34 by Galdelico )

Our member of the week

Marzy said:
Has Outrun been released in Europe yet?

Not that I know of Marzy, but I really wish it did :'( !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Im accually a big Sega Fan too. I would love to see SONIC THE HEDGE HOG 2 in 3D. I loved that game. Really i think part of the game is in 3D or in 2 1/2 D right ??????

Sure would be nice if they released all of them on Nintendo eShop in all regions, too.

Also, I'm getting really antsy about Sega working with Nintendo to put more of their classic systems on VC (Master System & Mega Drive on Wii U VC; Mega Drive on 3DS VC; etc.). Why is it taking so long? Smilie

( Edited 25.09.2014 01:06 by Agul )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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