Capcom Sale for 3DS and Wii U in Europe

By Az Elias 18.09.2014 1

Capcom Sale for 3DS and Wii U in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A host of Capcom titles are on sale in Europe on the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U eShops.

Running for the next two weeks, games on sale include Resident Evil Revelations, DuckTales Remastered and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies.

For the full list, see below.

Nintendo 3DS

  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destines was £19.99, now £11.99

  • Super Street Fighter IV 3D was £17.99, now £8.99

  • Resident Evil: The Mercenaries was £8.99, now £4.04

  • Resident Evil Revelations was £24.99, now £11.24

Wii U

  • DuckTales: Remastered was £11.39, now £5.99

  • Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara was £11.39, now £5.99

  • Resident Evil Revelations was £39.99, now £15.99

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I'm fairly certain amazon are selling most of the 3DS games for roughly the same price...I just bought Revelations as well for around £15. I don't get why people don't just buy physical games! 

Although the WiiU copy at £15.99 looks like a steal, same with Duck Tales!

( Edited 19.09.2014 13:12 by Flynnie )

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