Meet the Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley Bachelorettes

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.09.2014

Meet the Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley Bachelorettes  on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The bachelorettes from Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley have been revealed, each with their own distinct personalities.

Three of the marriage/relationship dames in the game have been revealed by Natsume today - a waitress, florist and a rich dame; courting candidates in The Lost Valley.

Emily is a waitress who works at her mother's restaurant, learning the ropes. She's quick to smile, full of energy, is adventurous but is terrified of insects. She's a tough cookie when it comes to the Cooking Festival!

Image for Meet the Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley Bachelorettes

The daughter of Iris, April, is a gentle girl who travels to the Lost Valley to find and sell flowers. She's in training to take over her mother's role when she retires. Good-natured, shy and talented.

Image for Meet the Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley Bachelorettes

Finally, Catherine is a lady living a posh life in a mansion. As a lonely young woman, her cold shoulder has scared away potential friends. Though difficult to admit, she craves friends and love.

Image for Meet the Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley Bachelorettes

Who would be your pick of bachelorette?

Box art for Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley
Also known as

Harvest Moon 3D: The Lost Valley




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