Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch

By Az Elias 11.09.2014 12

Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion


Lucky fans have managed to get hold of early copies of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS ahead of its 13th September release in Japan.

One NeoGAF user by the name of tonyh24613 has been playing through and revealing key details such as the characters he has been unlocking in the game. Other fans have been streaming on Twitch and users have been snapping screenshots.

For a lowdown of the confirmed unlockable fighters and a little more revealed so far, read on, but remember once again that there will be spoilers.

Full Roster on Character Select Screen

Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch

Bowser Jr.

Bowser Jr. has the Koopalings as alts, and his Final Smash is Shadow Mario's paintbrush. If players touch the cross that is painted, they get hurt.
Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch
Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch
Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch
Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch
Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch


Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch
Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch
Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch


Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch
Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch


Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch

Dr. Mario

Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch

Duck Hunt Dog

Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch

Dark Pit

Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch

Mr. Game & Watch

Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch


Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch
Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch
Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch


Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch


Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch

F-Zero SNES Stage

Image for Characters Leak Early Ahead of Super Smash Bros. 3DS Japan Launch
Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Bandai Namco







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I was reading this on GAF: "Beat 7.0 master core without continuing with Bowser." Apparently that unlocks Bowser Jr.

Does that mean I have to do that to unlock him, or will there be other ways? One thing I loved about Brawl was being able to unlock all the characters easily by playing the story on any difficulty.

Marzy said:
I was reading this on GAF: "Beat 7.0 master core without continuing with Bowser." Apparently that unlocks Bowser Jr.

Does that mean I have to do that to unlock him, or will there be other ways? One thing I loved about Brawl was being able to unlock all the characters easily by playing the story on any difficulty.

I remember in Melee (forget about Brawl) that you could unlock characters by fighting a certain number of versus matches or playing for a certain amount of combined versus time as an alt way. Hopefully there's something similar here.

Azuardo said:
Marzy said:
I was reading this on GAF: "Beat 7.0 master core without continuing with Bowser." Apparently that unlocks Bowser Jr.

Does that mean I have to do that to unlock him, or will there be other ways? One thing I loved about Brawl was being able to unlock all the characters easily by playing the story on any difficulty.

I remember in Melee (forget about Brawl) that you could unlock characters by fighting a certain number of versus matches or playing for a certain amount of combined versus time as an alt way. Hopefully there's something similar here.

Good good, I really hope so. I suck at Smash Bros, I can't even beat CPU on level 7 normally, so yeah...

Yeah, looks like you can unlock characters by playing VS mode.

I think lol. Guy made an edit.

( Edited 11.09.2014 18:25 by Azuardo )

Wait wait....surely the news story here is that the Duck Hunt Dog is now friends with a Duck Hunt Duck......what the hell.
How did this happy? Is this a fox-and-hound situation here? Whats going on?

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So that's now a total of 51 characters counting all the miis? That's pretty damn good considering, although the only thing that really bugs me about this are the cuts (especially ice climbers) and the fact that both ganondorf and toon link are barely changed.  Despite that though I'm looking really forward to trying these new characters.

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neat but alittle messy if you ask me, how some of the same characters (mario/dr mario) get two slots but different characters (Olimar/alph) get put in the same slot as an alternative costume, even though they play differently. I'd just like more consistency, im fine with counting clone characters as an alternative outfit.

Wow this game is going to be amazing . I bet that stage is conformation there an f zero game coming. in my opinion it is.  

Gregory A. Swarthout (guest) 12.09.2014#9

Jigglypuff isn't on the character select screen.  WTF?

Not bad. Plus there's room for DLC. They'll defo be adding to it later.

Plus, I think Dr. Mario is a different character because he's from an entirely different series maybe? Because Alph and Olimar are from the exact same series but different installments.

Edit: Jigglypuff is located right below Kirby.

( Edited 12.09.2014 12:42 by Faust D. Strooijer )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

welshwuff said:
neat but alittle messy if you ask me, how some of the same characters (mario/dr mario) get two slots but different characters (Olimar/alph) get put in the same slot as an alternative costume, even though they play differently. I'd just like more consistency, im fine with counting clone characters as an alternative outfit.

It works like this:

If a clone has the exact same hitboxes, hurtboxes, and moves as a character, they get put in as an alternate costume (examples include Olimar/Alph and the male/female Wii Fit Trainers, Villagers, and Robins).

If any of that is even slightly different, they get their own slot. Dr. Mario has several different attacks from regular Mario, Lucina's sword does an even amount of damage while Marth's sword does more damage at the tip (I've also heard Lucina is slightly faster but I haven't confirmed this), and Dark Pit plays more like Pit from Brawl while Pit in Sm4sh has a different moveset.

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justonesp00lturn said:
welshwuff said:
neat but alittle messy if you ask me, how some of the same characters (mario/dr mario) get two slots but different characters (Olimar/alph) get put in the same slot as an alternative costume, even though they play differently. I'd just like more consistency, im fine with counting clone characters as an alternative outfit.

It works like this:

If a clone has the exact same hitboxes, hurtboxes, and moves as a character, they get put in as an alternate costume (examples include Olimar/Alph and the male/female Wii Fit Trainers, Villagers, and Robins).

If any of that is even slightly different, they get their own slot. Dr. Mario has several different attacks from regular Mario, Lucina's sword does an even amount of damage while Marth's sword does more damage at the tip (I've also heard Lucina is slightly faster but I haven't confirmed this), and Dark Pit plays more like Pit from Brawl while Pit in Sm4sh has a different moveset.

Yes but with cusomisable attacks now, DR mario could be deconstructed and have his "unique" attacks just be alternative attacks for regular mario.

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