Nintendo Announces New Designs for 3DS XL Consoles for the US

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.09.2014 9

Nintendo Announces New Designs for 3DS XL Consoles for the US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo announced three new designs for 3DS XL consoles during the GameStop EXPO, including the Super Smash Bros. Edition.

The systems, primed for release over the coming months, are decorated with striking artwork and will retail for an RRP of around $199.99 each. "Based on past experience, these special editions likely won't stay on shelves for very long," reased Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of Sales & Marketing.

The new consoles include:

Super Smash Bros. Edition Nintendo 3DS XL - 19th September
Decorated with striking artwork of popular Nintendo characters - including Mario, Samus, Link and Little Mac. Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS will be sold separately.

Image for Nintendo Announces New Designs for 3DS XL Consoles for the US

NES Edition Nintendo 3DS XL - 10th October
Modelled after the iconic NES controller across the front and on the inside, with the box designed to look like an NES system. This particular model will exclusive to GameStop.

Image for Nintendo Announces New Designs for 3DS XL Consoles for the US

Persona Q Edition Nintendo 3DS XL - 25th November
Exclusive to GameStop, the Persona Q edition will feature the iconic Grimoire styled on the front of the console and character art on the back, with the game itself to be sold separately.

Image for Nintendo Announces New Designs for 3DS XL Consoles for the US

Will you grab hold of any of these new Nintendo 3DS XL consoles?

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well that title was confusing Smilie

welshwuff said:
well that title was confusing
Made an edit. Hopefully that's a bit better.

I'm tired of the overused NES stuff now. Literally a NES controller slapped on. Boring. Why not do some actual handheld system designs like GB/GBA? Or if you're gonna use console designs, use the best Nintendo console ever - the SNES.

Found inside pic of NES design. It's decent but god is it overused.

Image for

Guh. Hate this "New" name - confusing.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Guh. Hate this "New" name - confusing.
It's awful. Without even realising it, you can easily cause confusing sentences with it. I'm not always fond of names getting changed for other countries/regions, but this is one case where they simply have to go with something else for the 'New 3DS.'

Would 3DSi suffice? It's still troubling. 3DS 2? Perhaps 'Super Nintendo 3DS?' 3DS Ultimate? Shoving on a word before or after, so long as it isn't 'New' could do the trick.

Oooh, I like that Persona one. Smilie

A little too late for me, since I'm already waiting for the New XL... Still, the Persona one looks quite sweet.

Nintendo are fucking baffling beyond belief...who in their right mind would buy this (sure those with money to burn) but anyone else would actually hold for the New 3DS model considering that it won't be too far from the same time at least they told people (and by people I mean by trying to shoe horn it in a Japan only direct) about the NEW model before Christmas so at least it won't piss off too many people...

I feel like the NES one looks good but more needs to be done to the interior of it...or you could just wait for the NEW 3dS and buy a faceplate...

Azuardo said:
jb said:
Guh. Hate this "New" name - confusing.
It's awful. Without even realising it, you can easily cause confusing sentences with it. I'm not always fond of names getting changed for other countries/regions, but this is one case where they simply have to go with something else for the 'New 3DS.'

Would 3DSi suffice? It's still troubling. 3DS 2? Perhaps 'Super Nintendo 3DS?' 3DS Ultimate? Shoving on a word before or after, so long as it isn't 'New' could do the trick.

Az , they could do with you at their brainstorming sessions! I hated the "New" in the Super Mario Bros name and i hate it on the 3DS. It won't stop us buying it...but it's just so annoying!

Flynnie said:
Az , they could do with you at their brainstorming sessions! I hated the "New" in the Super Mario Bros name and i hate it on the 3DS. It won't stop us buying it...but it's just so annoying!
You're not alone. I hate the 'New' moniker in the NSMB series, and as well when they shoved it into 'Yoshi's New Island.' Really hoping the next SMB title will be a completely different and original design to the NSMB series, finally dropping that 'New' title.

Should've gone with Super Nintendo 3DS. Would've been perfect. Oh well.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

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