Takuya Aizu on the Future of Gunvolt

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.09.2014 4

Takuya Aizu on the Future of Gunvolt on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Inti Creates CEO Takuya Aizu recently talked about the future of Gunvolt and whether there'll be a sequel.

Gunvolt is out in Japan and North America, with a European edition in progress, and the studio are thinking about a sequel, but the project does very much depend on sales of the current game.

The "idea of doing a sequel is exciting—but that's a kind of high-level feeling we have right now," he said. "The cold, hard reality is, the key things that are going to determine whether there's a sequel or not is how Gunvolt does in terms of sales and how active and loud the fans are about there being a sequel. If those two things are in place? Sure! We'd love to do it!"

Have you gotten hold of a copy of Azure Striker Gunvolt?

Box art for Azure Striker Gunvolt

Inti Creates


Inti Creates


2D Platformer



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Well I bought it & have loved everything about it. The secret ending is a lot more dark than ANYTHING that's been in the Megaman games but it still leaves it open for more. A sequel to ASGV definitely has my support so let them know C3!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Soooo, europe any time soon? Do publishers on nintendo systems release games in spesific european countries anymore? because it always seems the UK ends up waiting on translations when the game is already in english. :/

welshwuff said:
Soooo, europe any time soon? Do publishers on nintendo systems release games in spesific european countries anymore? because it always seems the UK ends up waiting on translations when the game is already in english. :/
That's exactly why we're waiting. French, Italian, German and Spanish translations are in the works, so us in the UK have to wait till they're done. Isn't it lame? If the UK was only 3000 miles to the west, we wouldn't have to wait. We rarely ever receive a British English translation as it is, either, so it seems ridiculous that we have to be in the same group. But, since we're also under the EU ratings board PEGI, that's another factor we have to put up with...and it actually costs more and takes longer for games to go through PEGI than ESRB in North America, adding more wait onto EU releases.

Yeah... It's all about sales, man.
So, please, hurry up with the EU edition so you can add at least one more to your wallet! Smilie

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