Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Won't Support Circle Pad Pro

By David Lovato 06.09.2014 6

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Won

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS will reportedly not support the Circle Pad Pro attachment for the 3DS or 3DS XL.

Last month, a 3DS upgrade was announced with new features, one of them being a built-in C-stick, said to function the same way as the Circle Pad Pro. Despite this, the official page for the CPP in Japan specifically rules out Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS support.

In past Smash Bros. games, the C-stick could be used as a quicker way to execute powerful smash attacks. For the time being, it looks like players on current hardware will have to stick to the somewhat more involved method of tilting the control stick while pressing the attack button.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Bandai Namco







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Shame really - C stick just makes so much sense, rarely go without.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

This is a bizarre decision on Nintendo's part. This doesn't make any sense. Damn, I'm disappointed... Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Our member of the week

Ouch... I sure hope this is not a sign that all games which have been announces has compatible with the new C-stick on the NEW 3DS will not follow the same idea :/. That would royally screw people who do have a CPP and an older model and who do not plan on upgrading, has they have to make do with controls which won't be as good.

I don't see Final Fantasy Explorers either on that list and yet that has been announced as compatible with the new C-stick.

At least, as is implied on the Japanese page (See a translated version here), and just as I had suspected, games which were originally designed with the CPP in mind will all be compatible with the new stick as the console will be thought to have the CPP attached as far as these games are concerned (I have MGS3 in mind most of all since it's simply unplayable without the CPP, I mean you could try, but it's not comfortable at all).

So if it works one way, why could't they just make it work the other round too? If older games will detect the new console has a regular 3DS with the CPP attached, why couldn't it just be so for the new games as well? From what the page says, Dragon Quest X Online does so, so why not all of them?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Tanooki (guest) 07.09.2014#4

Surely games need a second stick should get a second stick? Nintendo - you make strange decision sometimes!!

kingdom (guest) 08.09.2014#5

No this is good. C-sticking in smash is for the weak. Only the greenest smash player ever remembers it can be done.

Sry if u disagree but if ur gna offer an opinion on games its gotta be a strong one right?

kingdom (guest) said:
No this is good. C-sticking in smash is for the weak. Only the greenest smash player ever remembers it can be done.

Sry if u disagree but if ur gna offer an opinion on games its gotta be a strong one right?

It's not Smash Bros. in particular that has us in an uproar. It's the reasoning behind their decision.

To not implement Circle Pad Pro support for a game that will use the New Nintendo 3DS' C-stick is essentially forcing the consumer to spend big bucks for a whole new portable system just so they can use a simple feature that could be made available via an existing accessory. An accessory that is substantially cheaper.

It's a real chicken sh** move on Nintendo's part.

Of course, we all know Nintendo should've implemented a second circle pad for the 3DS in the first place.

( Edited 09.09.2014 07:28 by Agul )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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