A Look at the Super Smash Bros. 3DS All-Star Mode

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.09.2014

A Look at the Super Smash Bros. 3DS All-Star Mode on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS picture on Miiverse reveals a glimpse at the All-Star Mode.

This time round, players will be able to "challenge very fighter in All-Star Mode from the moment you turn on the game", producer Masahiro Sakurai teased. There'll be a limited number of recovery items throughout each stage, and without the option to continue if beaten.

Image for A Look at the Super Smash Bros. 3DS All-Star Mode

The mode will be incomplete till every fighter has been unlocked and there'll be a "a padlock indicating that the mode is still incomplete."

Multiple enemies appear per stage, and the rest area between battles "displays the next opponents and the year the characters made their first appearances," Sakurai confirmed, and also noted how "the characters you fight against appear pretty much in chronological order. Behold, the history of Nintendo games!"

Image for A Look at the Super Smash Bros. 3DS All-Star Mode

What do you think of the All-Star setup in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. games?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Bandai Namco







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