320 Nintendo of Europe Staff Get Cut this Month

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.08.2014 2

320 Nintendo of Europe Staff Get Cut this Month on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has confirmed further loss of jobs in Germany this week, with around 320 employees affected.

The move, which also includes 130 staff as reported in June, will now see an additional 190 employees getting cut, who worked as part of a leased localisation department. This particular team were working at Nintendo on a temporary basis, but according to Kotaku, many had been working for years.

The decision is to "better enable the European business to adapt to the rapidly changing business environment," said Nintendo in a statement.

Nintendo of Europe will now outsource future translation and testing activities to third-party companies.

The 320 staff members at Nintendo have been employed up until 31st August 2014.

Our thoughts go out to those affected by the move, including some members of Cubed3 who are working for Nintendo of Europe.

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Our member of the week

The future localisation efforts not being handled by a close company to Nintendo but by a distant 3rd party does not bode well at all methinks for the quality of the products. It would be cool if some of the laid off employees could build up their own startup and use that acquired relationship with Nintendo over the years to become a privileged third party localiser of sorts, but obviously that requires funding. Hopefully Germany has some sort of help programme for startups, to help them getting launched. I don't know how they work over there.

This does not bode well for future localisations though... My hopes for Fatal Frame V in Europe just went down a notch :/.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

This really doesnt bode well for NOE.. especially after the amazing work that they have doing. It feels like a step backward. Why cant Nintendo just have them as long time employees as that s surely cheaper than leasing it out to Third Parties to do the work... feels like one can expect lots of bugs and low quality work.  Is their whole localisation team out the door?

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