Flynnie said:
I was going on the basis that Shulk is surely a 2nd/3rd party character? Ok well on that basis then Professor Layton, Rayman and Crash could still make it 
But I do agree, its not a en masse all-stars game. I really want a few other Nintendo based characters in there. Would love to play as more DK/Starfox/Metroid characters but fat chance of them being included!
I'm already satisfied with the roster so anything more is just a massive bonus!
A 2nd party is a company that is owned by Nintendo iirc, like Monolith or HAL. Monolith is owned by Nintendo, so Shulk is just as much a Nintendo character as Kirby is (Kirby being a character created by HAL, a Nintendo owned 2nd party).
Layton, Rayman, and Crash are all free to appear on other platforms (Crash especially has very little association with the Nintendo brand), whereas the Xenoblade IP is totally owned by Nintendo despite Monolith creating it. The only guest characters in SSB4 are Pac-Man, Mega Man and Sonic.
I do agree there should be another DK character especially given how successful DK has been lately, but I think the Nintendo characters in this one have been fantastic and have covered a much wider amount of games than usual so far. As for Metroid.. that's a toughie. I can't think of many characters besides a certain space dragon that'd fit the role, and that character seems to be destined to be a boss no matter how popular he is..