Zero Suit Samus Gets Revealing Smash Bros Outfit

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.08.2014 8

Zero Suit Samus Gets Revealing Smash Bros Outfit on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In the latest Super Smash Bros. Miiverse update, producer Masahiro Sakurai posted a revealing outfit for Zero Suit Samus.

The hero of the Metroid franchise may wear a fair of bit of armour whilst exploring hostile environments in the deepest regions of space, also packs a punch without. One of the alternative costumes for Zero Suit Samus in the upcoming games will be the look from the ending of Metroid: Zero Mission.

Samurai was keen for the design to be included, but was concerned with the time left for development. However, "thanks to the determination of her female designer, these Zero Suit outfits got completed in time," he said.

Image for Zero Suit Samus Gets Revealing Smash Bros Outfit
Image for Zero Suit Samus Gets Revealing Smash Bros Outfit

What do you think of the alternative Zero Suit Samus outfit?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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Can see the Bamco influence here...! I Am hopeful still for at least two Soul Calibur characters! Bring on Taki, Seung Mina or Sophitia...

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Glad they paid tribute to some of her earlier games, it's a shame people won't  shut up about her outfit being too revealing >.> 

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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I can think of plenty more characters to better include besides anyone from Soul Calibur. Let alone having at least two characters from SC.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

call me when they announce a Birthday Suit Samus.

I think its a great idea, but how about Zero-suit versions of other characters?
Zero Suit Mario would be hilarious. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Absolutely love this. Smilie~<3

I just wish her Super Metroid best ending costume was included, too. Perhaps it was considered a little too revealing for Smash Bros. lol

( Edited 20.08.2014 18:33 by Agul )

Chance favors the prepared mind.
kingdom (guest) 21.08.2014#7

Couldn't have picked a better three sc characters there job.

Loving all this Nintendo sexy talk: Zeldas he costume, bayonetta/peach etc.

Clearly an experiment. Its intruiging.

Wow what a revealing out fit. Very sexy. What is this game rated again ?????? 

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