Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! – Lucy (Movie Review)

By Freda Cooper 18.08.2014 6

Image for Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! – Lucy (Movie Review)

Lucy (UK Rating: 15)

This year's crop of blockbusters haven't been short of feisty female characters, although, with the exception perhaps of Maleficent and Divergent, few of them have actually taken the lead. Step forward Luc Besson's Lucy, which puts its title character slap bang at the centre of the story and the action.

Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) finds herself embroiled in a drugs deal, courtesy of her dodgy new boyfriend, and she is forced into becoming a mule by the gang. A package of blue crystals is inserted into her stomach, but when she's beaten up in prison, the bag bursts and a large quantity of the drug is released into her system. The result is that she starts to use increasingly large amounts of her brain's capacity - until she hits 100%.

Image for Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! – Lucy (Movie Review)

Her primary aim is to take revenge on the gang that got her hooked on the crystals in the first place, so her rapidly expanding powers are a definite advantage. Therefore, as a piece of revenge action, it's a straightforward enough film, yet Lucy has other aspirations. It aims to be something closer to sci-fi, which is where all the stuff about brain capacity comes in. According to the film and its posters, most people only ever use about 10% of their brain's capacity - a neat premise, but one that's already well known as being more of an urban myth than a piece of science. Suspension of disbelief is an absolute must for anybody wanting to get more than just entertainment out of this one.

Director Besson aims to give the theory more credibility through the character of Professor Norman (Morgan Freeman), the only person on the planet who understands what's actually happening to Lucy. From the audience's point of view, it means there's somebody who can explain the stages she goes through as she begins to use increasingly more of her brain.

Visually, the changes in her are clear: she becomes chillingly cold and remote, she develops new powers including time travel, and the impact on the inside of her body is demonstrated through a series of colourful special effects. However, because the thinking behind it is so flimsy, it all hangs together by a thread. Even Freeman's amiable professor act, which he's been perfecting since the Batman trilogy, can't give it more weight.

What keeps everything going is Johansson herself and the film relies heavily on her on-screen presence and charm to move it along. She gives a thorough, workmanlike performance, initially feisty and then scared but, once fuelled by the drugs, robotic, assertive, and totally fearless. It's certainly refreshing to see a woman at the centre of the action, although this isn't quite as action-packed as some of this summer's other offerings.

Luc Besson does, however, manage to keep everything on a tight rein, so that Lucy comes in at around the 90 minute mark and, in truth, it doesn't amount to more than that.

Image for Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! – Lucy (Movie Review)

Rated 6 out of 10


Lucy is a good looking film. That's not just because of its leading lady: the drug-fuelled, brain-boosting special effects are attractive and colourful. Sadly, though, it really is all about looks, and there's little in the way of substance underneath. Fans of Scarlett Johansson will, no doubt, love it. Sci-fi fans will have more reservations, and why it was such a box office hit in the USA is destined to remain a mystery.

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Its a pitty as I like Luc Bason generally, even though I hate they went for this myth as a premise.
Its easy enough to invent some other technobably explanation without propagating this nonsense.

I'll watch this whenever it gets to netflix.

In the meantime, I recommend Limitless, which is a bit more of a realistic take on the "get smarter though drugs" idea.

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THAT was the movie I was thinking of when reading this! With whatshisname from Hangover (I still remember when he was merely a secondary character in Alias...).

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I would give this'n a 5/10. I love some of Luc's other films, but he just dropped the ball on this one. And the constant forcing down your throat of this oft-disproven myth as fact, together with the beyond unrealistically short time-span in which all the transformations and such unfold, really made this a chore to watch for me.

This is genuinely the first movie I've ever seen where I feel compelled to argue with people on how stupid it is. Mostly because of the blatantly wasted potential, I guess.

Edit: Limitless was awesome. It wasn't flawless, but it was very well done, and for me that film made Bradley Cooper someone I genuinely became interested in.

Having seen Guardians of the Galaxy last night, I have to say Cooper can even full-on nail it with voice-acting. I really like this guy (by now, haha).

( Edited 18.08.2014 09:13 by Faust D. Strooijer )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

BRADLEY COOPER! I don't know why, but his name never sticks in my head. He was good in Kitchen Confidential with the guy that played Xander in Buffy (Nicholas Brendon...why can I remember HIS name? Smilie ).

Thanks for the second opinion, Faust.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Hmm - I want to see it, given Scarlet and all, but not so sure - reviews - like ours, have been mixed so far. Trailer does look good though. Maybe one to wait till channel E4 airs it in 6 months loool.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Terrible. I saw this last night and what started off as interesting, became so bloody ridiculous from pretty much when she ingests the drug...From that point onwards it became ludicrous, and even the effects further into it were shoddy. First Luc Besson film I've REALLY not enjoyed. I think Freda's 6/10 is FAR too generous...

Limitless - watch that instead. MUCH better take on the subject.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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