Raspberry PI Used to Create Wii U Ambient Lighting

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.08.2014 1

Raspberry PI Used to Create Wii U Ambient Lighting on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

One modder recently used a Raspberry PI to create an ambilight solution to use with games.

Using the Hyperion Ambilight solution for the computer system, YouTube EvilBoris shows examples of how the technology can add that little bit of immersion to the experience. Using bright and vivid titles like Super Mario 3D World and Mario Kart 8, plus a darkened room, lights cover the walls in real-time based on the action happening on screen.


For a tutorial, click here.

Would you use an ambient lighting system with your gaming rig?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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One of my friends has had a Philips speaker set for ages with ambient lighting, fans and a rumble strip that works with many games. It's pretty cool but definitely not essential I really don't see why anyone would go out of their way to create ambient lighting via a Raspberry Pi though.

That being said if it was the right price I would get it for games like mario kart, the video is really nice.

( Edited 24.11.2014 15:48 by Squidgybuffalo )

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