Modder Links GameCube Controller to 2DS Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.08.2014 2

Modder Links GameCube Controller to 2DS Console on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

One hardware modder has figured out a way to hook up a Nintendo GameCube controller to a 2DS/3DS console.

Using an old capture board, 3DSCapture member Loopy managed to link-up a GameCube controller to a 2DS console, with the analogue stick mapped to the d-pad and the C-stick mapped to the face-buttons. In the video demo, Loopy plays through Super Street Fighter IV using the controller.

Image for Modder Links GameCube Controller to 2DS Console


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Magna (guest) 10.08.2014#1

Would you like to hook up a 3DS controller to the hardware?

Yes. Would probably make Monster Hunting far easier on my hands with my 2DS since there's no CPP for it.

Thanks for sharing.

This is pretty insane, especially when you consider that smash for 3ds is out soon. It'd be nice if this became a product to buy, cause I wouldn't say no to playing smash 3ds with a GameCube controller Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

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