Mario Kart 8 Update and Free DLC Detailed

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.08.2014 6

Mario Kart 8 Update and Free DLC Detailed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo will be releasing an update for Mario Kart 8 which will include the free Mercedes-Benz DLC.

To be available from 27th August, the changes to Nintendo's Wii U racer includes several tweaks to the core experience including a map display for the TV screen and "Next Race" being the default option, instead of "View Highlights."

Image for Mario Kart 8 Update and Free DLC Detailed

As well as improved online stability, players will also be able to edit other user's highlights.

Those who are particular about their kart setup will now be able to re-use their last used options the next time Mario Kart 8 is booted up. There'll also be a records screen with different stats for those who wish to show off or simply monitor progress.

Nintendo also note how "other problems" will be addressed in the patch.

As for the Mercedes-Benz DLC, there'll actually be three different types of car based on the company's illustrious history.


Will you take on one of the Mercedes-Benz vehicles?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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Glad they've been listening. It badly needed those updates. Tracking number of coins, stats menu, 'Next Race' default option, map on TV screen, saving kart customisation - all were on my list.

I wouldn't expect them to start adding major things like mission/adventure mode in this game, but some other things I think really need adding:

- Add proper battle arenas e.g. Block Fort and Double Deck from MK64
- Add options menu to adjust music and SFX volume, brightness etc. (this needs to happen because kart SFX are way too loud so you don't hear music at all in local multiplayer)
- Add option to turn off friendly fire in team races
- Add full screen on GamePad in multiplayer
- Let us change character/kart without leaving online lobby
- Add names above drivers when looking behind with X button
- Add full item customisation for at least friend races and local multiplayer. e.g. ability to turn on or off every item, Smash Bros style

Do have the odd couple more, but those are the main ones for me.

Guest (guest) 06.08.2014#2

Think I'm right in saying when you finished a race and crossed the line in MK64 the automated video (I ain't technical) span round and showed you the view from behind so you could see how close any opponents were. It really bugs me now as you just carry on looking forward.  Of all the missing features that is my number 1...with Next Race a close 2nd but no plans to fix I guess.

Pikmin 3 was still getting occasional patches as of very recently, so I think we can assume MK8 will get patches and updates for even longer. If they're already fixing this much in the first update (which I'm assuming is late because they want to spread out fixes to keep the hype ball rolling) then I hope many of the other issues people have with the game can be fixed in future patches too.

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Called it, I knew this was going to come out of all we need are some Lamborghinis!! XD

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Azuardo said:
Glad they've been listening. It badly needed those updates. Tracking number of coins, stats menu, 'Next Race' default option, map on TV screen, saving kart customisation - all were on my list.

I wouldn't expect them to start adding major things like mission/adventure mode in this game, but some other things I think really need adding:

- Add proper battle arenas e.g. Block Fort and Double Deck from MK64
- Add options menu to adjust music and SFX volume, brightness etc. (this needs to happen because kart SFX are way too loud so you don't hear music at all in local multiplayer)
- Add option to turn off friendly fire in team races
- Add full screen on GamePad in multiplayer
- Let us change character/kart without leaving online lobby
- Add names above drivers when looking behind with X button
- Add full item customisation for at least friend races and local multiplayer. e.g. ability to turn on or off every item, Smash Bros style

Do have the odd couple more, but those are the main ones for me.

^^^ This. This. And this.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Item balancing please. That's the only major thing I want changed - I would love to keep playing online, but the balancing has really put me off MK8 in the long term.

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