Turok Could Come to Wii U Virtual Console if There's Demand

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.08.2014 11

Turok Could Come to Wii U Virtual Console if There

Want to play the original Turok titles from the Nintendo 64 era? It could be possible if there's enough interest.

The current owners of the franchise, Classic Media, have expressed that the company is indeed interested in bringing back the Nintendo 64 outings on the Wii U Virtual Console.

The original series found its home on Nintendo's home console back in 1997, developed by Iguana Entertainment and published by Acclaim. There were two follow-up titles on the system, followed by a then next-generation outing, Evolution, on multiple platforms including Nintendo GameCube.

If there's interest, simply pop an email over to [email protected]

Would you like to see the Turok series return?

Box art for Turok: Dinosaur Hunter





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Just want some N64 titles on Wii U, please! Wasn't ever the biggest fan of Turok. Rented 2 (wow, remember those days) and ended up having to use a cheat cart to get to the last level (and remember those days too).

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Just want some N64 titles on Wii U, please! Wasn't ever the biggest fan of Turok. Rented 2 (wow, remember those days) and ended up having to use a cheat cart to get to the last level (and remember those days too).

Well shoot em an email so we can get the ball rolling for more N64 titles...I'm emailing them right now & including the fact that Nintendo seems to be making a HUGE turn around in the right direction to improve sales.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I'd say a lot would have to be done to these games to make them playable in 2014. 

Me and my friends used to play either Turok 2 or 3...(obviously not that memorable), but at the time games like Perfect Dark, Conkers Bad Fur Day and Goldeneye were just much better.

I doubt that releasing these titles now would do any good for those with at least half decent nostalgic memories of this unfortunately plagued franchise.

Our member of the week

"I there's demand" ?

Is it up to them to decide that N64 games could come to the Wii U VC ? Nintendo hasn't even announced a single one of their own on the Wii U VC and now those people say "if there's enough demand we could do it" ? Or does that mean that they're in the know about when N64 games might be coming? I mean Nintendo did mention they'd be coming later, right??

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
"I there's demand" ?

Is it up to them to decide that N64 games could come to the Wii U VC ? Nintendo hasn't even announced a single one of their own on the Wii U VC and now those people say "if there's enough demand we could do it" ? Or does that mean that they're in the know about when N64 games might be coming? I mean Nintendo did mention they'd be coming later, right??

Indeed though I imagine Nintendo's greatest obstacle is how to make N64 games viewable in HD instead of a bunch of smeared colors on screen.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

God, how I loved the four Turok games on the good ol' N64. I've been waiting for what seems like an eternity for Nintendo to put them on Wii's VC service. Wasn't sure how it could happen with Acclaim and Iguana going the way of the dodo, though (and of course, Wii is out the door). So this is great news!

Nintendo is taking their sweet time bringing N64 support to Wii U's VC service. They better not skimp on emulating the N64's Controller Pak accessory this time. Some N64 games required it to save your progress. Like the Turok games.

They better not skimp on emulating the N64's Rumble and Expansion Pak, either.

( Edited 04.08.2014 19:05 by Agul )

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Our member of the week

Agul said:
They better not skimp on emulating the N64's Rumble and Expansion Pak, either.

Majora's Mask was on the Wii VC and that required the expansion pak, so surely expansion pak games could be run on Wii U VC as well if they do come out eventually.

( Edited 04.08.2014 19:11 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Agul said:
They better not skimp on emulating the N64's Rumble and Expansion Pak, either.

Majora's Mask was on the Wii VC and that required the expansion pak, so surely expansion pak games could be run on Wii U VC as well if they do come out eventually.
I know, but with Nintendo sometimes they take two steps forward and three steps back. lol

Chance favors the prepared mind.

If they remastered it online that would be an interesting edition...quite like how Perfect Dark was released on XBLA. Which by the way looked great, so if Microsoft can do it then why can't Nintendo do it!

Flynnie said:
If they remastered it online that would be an interesting edition...quite like how Perfect Dark was released on XBLA. Which by the way looked great, so if Microsoft can do it then why can't Nintendo do it!

Exactly - I would definitely, definitely part with good levels of cash for online N64 games - Goldeneye is unlikely, but things like Mario Tennis 64, Diddy Kong Racing, 1080, Wave Race etc would be so good if remastered with online content. Nintendo can easily dedicate a team of like 10 people to go off and do this shizzle.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Flynnie said:
If they remastered it online that would be an interesting edition...quite like how Perfect Dark was released on XBLA. Which by the way looked great, so if Microsoft can do it then why can't Nintendo do it!

Exactly - I would definitely, definitely part with good levels of cash for online N64 games - Goldeneye is unlikely, but things like Mario Tennis 64, Diddy Kong Racing, 1080, Wave Race etc would be so good if remastered with online content. Nintendo can easily dedicate a team of like 10 people to go off and do this shizzle.

That would be oh-so-GLORIOUS. Smilie

( Edited 06.08.2014 18:11 by Agul )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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