Batman Re-imagined by Final Fantasy Designer Tetsuya Nomura

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.07.2014 4

Batman Re-imagined by Final Fantasy Designer Tetsuya Nomura on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Could the iconic DC Comic's hero Batman step into the world of Square Enix's visual style?

The creator of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy character designer Tetsuya Nomura has penned a new look for the Caped Crusader as part of a collaborative effort between Square Enix and DC Comics.

The Variant Play Arts Kai series are a set of figurines, reworking characters into rather different new looks. The Variant Batman comes with a heap of armour and a red visor, baring some similarities to Terry McGinnis' potray of Gotham's protector.

The character is being displayed at Comic-Con this week, with a launch date to be confirmed.

Image for Batman Re-imagined by Final Fantasy Designer Tetsuya Nomura
Image for Batman Re-imagined by Final Fantasy Designer Tetsuya Nomura

What other characters would you like to see re-imagined from the DC Comics universe?

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god, i hate this design.

Wow what an amazing action figure.It  does remined me of BATMAN BEYOND. A show I loved that only exsited for a short time.  I feel they should make a Japanese animated movie where Bruce Wayne has to travel to Japan to face a new enemy. In turn has to create a new suit to face this enimey. The comination of Japanese anime, Comic animation, action and Martial Arts would make for an incredible move. I heard Bruce Wayne had a Japanese master and a Japanese fellow student wich I feel for the movie could make a nice rivalry.....what do you think???....

id watch it.  then again i have willingly watched Nekromantik.

That's an eclectic design that's for long as they put more substance into that franchise than the waste that is ALL 3 FF13 failures I'll check it out. Square sure has fallen in terms of meaningful quality to their stories, placing too high an emphasis on flash & too little on substance.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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